Friends For Everyone





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Do you think it's weird that the basic social function of "making friends with people" is locked behind a perk? Good news for you - so did I, so here's a little mod to fix that.


This mod makes the following changes:


-All adult characters can now Befriend other characters. (previously this was locked behind the Befriend perk). To support this, I've slightly expanded the selection of characters AI choose their friendship targets from. This may have a performance impact but I hope it will be a small one.

-Characters now have a hard cap of 3 friends (this hard cap previously only applied to AI, and was set to 1). The Gregarious trait or being a King or higher raises this to 5. There is now a game rule to disable this cap.

-Note: the soft cap on friends that triggers a stress event when you have too many is unchanged.


-The Befriend perk now grants a bonus to Befriend scheme power and diplomatic range. The Flatterer perk, which used to grant that scheme power bonus, now grants an extra personal scheme slot and a general personal scheme power bonus.


Compatibility notes:


-Obviously this mod is not compatible with achievements.

-This mod overrides the Befriend and Flatterer perks (from common/lifestyle_perks0_diplomacy_3_family_tree_perks.txt), can_use_befriend_scheme scripted trigger, and befriend character interaction (common/character_interactions/00_scheme_interactions.txt). It also changes the English localisation for the Befriend perk and Friends game concept to match this. It will not be compatible with anything that affects any of these items or overwrites the vanilla files they came from. 

-This mod uses selective overrides, so it should be compatible with anything that doesn't affect any of the above. 

-In particular, it is compatible with all my other CK3 mods. They will always remain separate, because I was a coder on the CK2+ dev team for four years and this has left me with a violent allergic reaction to the phrase "overhaul mod".


v14 - Released 2023-05-28

v13 - Released 2022-12-31

v12 - Released 2022-12-19

v11 - Released 2022-10-09

v10 - Released 2022-09-17

v9 - Released 2022-09-17

v8 - Released 2022-09-13

v7 - Released 2022-06-08

v6 - Released 2022-06-03

v5 - Released 2022-02-09

v4 - Released 2021-06-08

v3 - Released 2021-04-15

v2 - Released 2020-11-27


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