Prisoner Marriage





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This mod has two main features: 1) New interaction "Arrange Marriage for Prisoner" allows you to marry unlanded prisoners to yourself or your unmarried courtiers, even if the prisoner is already married. 2) The new CB "Reclaim Rightful Spouse" allows fighting a war to get back any spouses that were stolen from you using either "Arrange Marriage for Prisoner" or "Make Concubine/Consort". The mod doesn't add any CBs that will get back relatives that are stolen from you using the new interaction, but my CB mod Pluribus Casibus Belli does have a new CB called "Hostage Liberation War" that will do that and much more. MORE DETAILS When you use "Arrange Marriage for Prisoner" the marriage will automatically be matrilineal if you marry the prisoner to a woman. The interaction doesn't work on rulers. You can only use "Arrange marriage for Prisoner" on unlanded characters. When you marry a prisoner from another court or make them a consort/concubine they will get the "Forced Recruitment" opinion modifier towards you (-15 for 10 years). Exception: they don't get that opinion modifier if you marry them to a lover or soulmate. When a wife or husband is stolen using either "Arrange Marriage for Prisoner" or "Make Concubine/Consort" the former spouse will get a "Wife/Husband Stealer" opinion modifier towards the thief (-20 for 20 years) and a "Rightful Spouse" opinion modifier towards the stolen spouse (+5 for 20 years). You can only use the new CB while the "Rightful Spouse" opinion modifier is active, so you have a 20 year window to reclaim your spouse. If the war is in progress when the time runs out it will become invalidated. Re-marrying will prevent you from using the CB or if you already started the war it will get invalidated.


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