Weddings Expanded





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Weddings Expanded makes marriages a full activity, complete with drama, intrigue and meaningful choices.

Ever find it strange how flavourless weddings are? You get married, some stranger shows up in your court, you get some prestige, and... that's it.

This mod seeks to fix that by turning weddings into a four-part event chain, including a special feast activity where your two families can get to know each other. At the end, you'll get a set relationship with your spouse, like friend, lover, or rival.

Both the AI and players can get these events, and there are simplified versions for courtiers. The end effect is that most marriages are defined by a relationship - making them more meaningful and important.

Any character can get invited to a wedding, including you - which makes other people's weddings fun opportunities for drama.

Here's how it works for landed characters:

Part 1: Preparations

As soon as a landed character gets married, they get the option to hold a wedding event. If they click yes, they enter the preparations stage.

Note that because marriages happen immediately in CK3, your characters will technically already be married while all this is happening. There's currently no way around that so... just go with it.

In this stage, you get to decide what kind of wedding to throw.

The choices you make will influence:

The quality of your wedding – and thus your spouse’s family opinion of you
How much gold you’ll have to pay at the end – or extort from your subjects
Who gets invited

These events will test your character’s patience for menial tasks, and angry in-laws - setting up potentially important relationships between you and your spouse's family.

Part 2: The Ceremony

The big day!

Invite your spouse’s family to your court for an all-new wedding activity. Who exactly gets invited depends on choices you made in the Preparations Stage.

If you have the Royal Court DLC, enjoy a special ceremony court scene with all your guests!

If you threw a good wedding, expect some prestige and respect from your spouse’s family. If you didn’t… think about your choices and suffer the consequences!

Your spouse will react to your efforts based on their personality, influencing your compatibility. A humble person, for instance, might appreciate a low-key wedding, even if their family doesn't!

Part 3: The Reception

The fun part!

Enjoy a special feast with your spouse’s family and your own – providing special opportunities for schmoozing and drama.

The events that fire here are all from vanilla, but they have been re-tooled to influence your compatibility with your spouse

The events that fire here can have drastic effects on both your families… enjoy!

Part 4: End Relationship

The end result!

Once the reception has ended, the chain will decide on a relationship between you and your spouse, based on:

Your sexuality, and theirs
Your personalities
Your attraction
Your compatibility

Possible results are:

No relationship

You don't have to accept the relationship your spouse offers you - if they want to be lovers, you can instead just be friends. But you can't choose a more positive relationship than they offer, and if they want to be rivals, you have no choice!

Part 5: The Bill

After all is said and done, you'll get a modified version of the vanilla Royal Aid Duty event. In this case, you have one last choice:

Pay for your wedding yourself
Or, leave it to the peasants by adding an extra tax. Unlike vanilla, this has a cost - every domain province will receive a negative popular opinion modifier.

The gold cost or popular opinion modifier will be worse depending on the wedding budget from when you were in the Preparations Stage.

Courtier Weddings

Unlanded characters can have weddings too, but they don't get any of the preparation stage events, and they have to get permission from their court owner first.

Hosting a wedding for unlanded characters can be a good way to get to know your heir's spouse's family, and set up a relationship in advance - so when you start playing them, it will be there.

To prevent there ALWAYS being weddings ALL THE TIME, courtier weddings will only go through about 30% of the time.

Characters can get invited to both landed and unlanded weddings hosted by the AI, so you'll find yourself getting invites!

Other Stuff

I might add more events at any part of the chain, so post your ideas if you have them. Think of situations that would affect your relationship with your spouse, your family, or their family.


All the reception events are vanilla and made by Paradox; I just tweaked them to work with the compatibility system I made.
German translation by Dillo
Wedding court scene work by Lord DGP

To run this with Community Flavor Pack you need to use the following compatch:

You are free to use this work in your mod, so long as you credit me. Please let me know if you do so I can feel appropriately chuffed.

Please report any bugs in the comments.


v1.7.2 - Released 2022-06-28
- Wedding feast now ends after all the events are done, without a delay - Fixes ceremony event for players where both player and liege have no royal court - Allows the "Has Open Court Event" Alert to open the Wedding scene - Rebalances some event timings since some were popping up simultaneously - Reorders the "Who to invite?" options so "invite all" is at the top - In an attempt to reduce the massacre commited during AI feasts, reduced the probabilities for murder events. - Saved we_customizable_localization.txt as UTF-8-BOM - Saves we_wedding_character_modifiers.txt as UTF-8-BOM - Changes file type of we_testing_effects from .txt to .info - Adds a fallback to the preparation events.
v1.7 - Released 2022-06-23
- No changes.
v1.6 - Released 2022-06-16
- ROYAL COURT INTEGRATION! Players with the Royal Court DLC will now be treated to a brand new wedding scene using the court scene mechanic - so long as they are rank King and above. - Several culture-specfific wedding court scenes to experience - The wedding activity has been shortened a bit, to 30 days max - The cost of courtier weddings has been greatly reduced - Many bug fixes - Improved liklihood of compatibility with other mods - German localization updated, courtesy of Dillo
v1.5 - Released 2022-06-08
Fixed typo in several triggers ("available" instead of "avaliable") Fixed cousins triggers that was grabbing nephews and nieces instead Renamed wedding_triggers.txt to weddings_expanded_triggers.txt for compatibility with the Simple Weddings mod Updated for game version 1.6 (nothing needed to change) Added a trigger in unlanded_wedding_events.101 that prevents AI from holding courtier weddings if they don't have the gold Added a modifier in the same place that makes AI weddings less likely to do courtier weddings if they don't have a lot of gold already. Updated German translation Added Simplified Chinese translation
v2 - Released 2022-05-23


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