Fixed Iberians





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Vanilla Iberians are mess in historically accuracy, having this in mind i've created this mod which attempts to improve the cultural distributions and transitions happening at the time.



  • New culture Ibero-Latin in 867 AD, meant to represent the late ibero-romans in the peninsula, they're the majority group.
  • Visigoths are now minority and scattered on the northern areas of Asturias, a lot of the ruling families are still Visigothic, while others from the same family have been converted to the local Latin culture.
  • Players can choose to maintain visigothic traditions for their close family living with him (sons, wife, courtier brothers, etc), or they can convert alongside everyone else to the new Iberian cultures.
  • Visigoths added in northern (No arianism religion yet, so they're orthodox).
  • Visigoths have immediate access to the Lenient Rule innovation, negating negative opinion regarding culture.
  • After the first cultural transition in iberia ( from Ibero-Latin to the many neo-latin cultures), christian latins will retain their Ibero-Latin culture to mimic an isolated conquered people's resistance to cultural change. After some decades, they'll convert accordingly to whatever culture they should.
  • New culture Galician-Portuguese in all game starts, they'll naturally split at the 13th century.
  • Catalan is now part of the Frankish group but still has access to iberian innovations.


This is a very basic mod I've made just to correct these absurd things on vanilla, someone will probably make a better mod covering these grounds eventually. But until that happens, I'll be improving and updating this mod, I'll be thankfull for any suggestion or help, feel free to do so, there are many areas lacking still, and I probably won't be able to tackle them all by myself (writting flavoured events, implementing new systems, etc), as i'm still very new to modding.


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