Ancient Magic





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Unlock ancient arcane power and dominate the powerless fools around you Adds magic to the world of Crusader Kings 3 Features: Spells from 6 different magic schools New lifestyle-esque view for unlocking magic New window for spellcasting New resource - Mana - which fills on either a daily or monthly basis New government type - Magocracy Tutorials (short ones) Schools: Chronomancy - Manipulate time, slow your opponents, speed up yourself and your allies, see the future, and even halt aging Chiromancy - Cure any physical affliction, extend your own life Elomancy - Burn, crush, drown, and otherwise elementally dominate your opponents Necromancy - Raise dead! 'Nuff said. Biomancy - Sculpt your body (or your heir's...) to be exactly the way you want. Genetics be damned! Mensomancy - Control minds! Roleplay a vampire! Get rid of those pesky sins and add some virtues! Basics: If your character has a Magic Potential trait (1, 2, or 3) then a new window will be unlocked for them, allowing them to halt progress on vanilla lifestyles to instead study magic. Magic XP is not gained passively - instead, an amount is awarded based on the amount of mana you spend, your magic potential, and your magic education (if you have one). The more mana you spend, the more levels you obtain. Each level, you gain a magic perk point to spend on a new magic perk. There are 55 magic perks in all - the basic Mage perk, and 9 additional perks per school. Every mage must start out by taking the Mage perk, which gives them the Mage secret if witchcraft is criminal to their religion, or the Mage trait if it is not. Government: Based on the Republican council government from Res Publica, the Magocracy government seats you at the head of a magical government, where you must weigh not just the opinions of your vassals and peasants, but also those of the most prominent magical families in your realm. Be sure not to neglect your magical studies - or those of your family, for even the most well-respected lineage may fall, if their peers detect any sign of magical weakness. Known issues: The Biomancy tree on the Magical Studies window looks like a train wreck. It works properly, though Magical Studies window lines (between the perks) are not as interesting as vanilla lines The Mage secret doesn't have any specific events for it, so it will only very rarely be revealed to other characters. We plan to add these in a future update The Chiromancy spell Avatar of Life *might* show the wrong name for the selection to heal Blind Avatar of Life can no longer heal Disfigured, like it could in 0.14 - this is unintended, and will be fixed in the next update Updating from a previous version of the mod will break just about everything. A decision will appear, called Reset Mana System, which will fix this Incompatibilities: Anything that edits hud.gui Anything that edits religious tenets (but not doctrines) Anything that edits the far right tab of the My Realm window Special thanks: Caden335 - The base spellbook, which Ginger absolutely destroyed in the process of trying to add to it. Sorry, Caden! Tobbzn - Suffering almost every stupid question we could come up with, whenever we'd screwed up Stik' - Suffering the rest of those stupid questions NinjaVanessa - Writing the Mensomancy spell descriptions


v16 - Released 2022-02-24

v15 - Released 2021-07-20

v14 - Released 2021-04-26

v13 - Released 2021-04-23

v12 - Released 2020-12-06

v11 - Released 2020-11-02

v10 - Released 2020-10-06

v9 - Released 2020-09-29

v8 - Released 2020-09-24

v7 - Released 2020-09-20

v0.06 - Released 2020-09-13

v5 - Released 2020-09-12

v4 - Released 2020-09-12

v3 - Released 2020-09-10

v2 - Released 2020-09-10


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