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Full mechanical overhaul that is meant to serve as an extension of Invictus. This mod adds several new mechanics and adds multiple new custom made windows. The AI is able to interact with all the systems in this mod so they will not simply give an unfair advantage to the player. [u]Note[/u]: This mod MUST be played with Invictus and it has to be LAST in the load order. You may be able to run it with the base game but there will be bugs because it uses Invictus features. There are a lot of custom GUI's that are opened with events, because events pause the game, opening some of the custom windows will pause your game in single player. The features include: [h1] New Buildings [/h1] • Thanks to the generosity of San Felipe, Dragonpants, and Pureon I was able to find icons for 20 new buildings! • Settlements now have 12 new buildings and cities have 8 new buildings. [h1] Reworked Province View[/h1] • Reworked the province view and added 4 new province investments [h1] Enhanced Peace Deal System [/h1] • Demand Gold from your enemies or use one of the following new peace options to debilitate your enemies after war. • Demand War Reparations - Enemy will pay 10% of their monthly income to you for 5 years. • Destabilize - Enemy will lose 15 stability, 40 political influence, and their ruler will lose 10 popularity. • Delegitimize Administration - Enemy loses 2% happiness, 35 PI, 20 legitimacy, and the ruling family loses 250 prestige. • Steal Knowledge - If the enemy has more total technology than your nation you can "steal knowledge" from them giving you an innovation and some research. • Extort Population - Take 5-10 pops from the enemies capital and move them to your capital. [h1] Character Artifact System [/h1] • Artifact system that adds about a dozen VERY RARE character artifacts with unique effects. These artifacts can be equipped on your ruler with a character interaction if you are lucky enough to obtain one. [h1] Special Pop system [/h1] • Special pops are similar to province investments, just a little more advanced. Each special pop will last 25 years in the territory it is placed in. • Allows you to have greater control over your individual territories in a way that is not unbalanced(look at screenshots for full details). The 4 special pops are: 1. Priests - Help to convert the local population 2. Merchants - Bring wealth to a territory 3. Architects - Bring prestige and civilization to a territory 4. Artists - Help to assimilate the local population [h1] Character Focus Trees [/h1] • 4 character focus trees for all rulers which includes the following: 1. Character experience system that is extremely similar to CK3 lifestyles. Rulers will gain 2 character experience every month, after 100 experience is gained a perk can be taken from a focus tree. 2. 16 character focuses, each stat has 4 focuses associated with it. 3. 4 focus trees for each stat, each with 9 perks for a total of 36 new character perks that can be taken. Each perk has different effects and the last perk in each tree gives a unique trait. 4. Alerts for each focus tree that will remind you when a perk is able to be taken. [h1] Subject Interactions [/h1] • Converts the target country window from character interactions into a subject management UI that will display all subject countries and all the information you could need about them. Additionally, 13 new "Subject Interactions" have been made that can be used with various buttons in the new subject management screen. Each of these interactions fires events with very flavorful text written by Zorgoball. There are 2 categories of subject interactions: National and Individual National interactions apply to all subject nations and reflect the general policy of the state towards it's subject nations. While individual interactions apply to individual subjects. Subject Focus: 5 of the interactions allow you to set a "Subject Focus" for your subjects. There are 4 focuses: 1. Commerce 2. Military 3. Development 4. Cultural The other National Interactions are: 1. Increased Integrations - Increase integration speed slightly for 10 years but also reduce subject loyalty and opinions. 2. Increase Autonomy - Subjects pay less to you but they are more loyal. 3. Demand Increased Payments - Subjects pay more to you but they are less loyal The Remaining Individual Interactions are: 1. Bestow Gifts - Give money and political influence to a subject for a increase in opinion (this may be very expensive) 2. Divert Trade - Take some of the trade income of a selected subject nation. 3. Force Into War - Force a non-tributary subject that is not in a war with us into all of our current wars. 4. Contribute to Capital - Take up to 5 pops from the highest population territory of one of your subjects. 5. Levy Population - Gain manpower based on how large your subject is. • Client states no longer take up diplomatic slots because someone asked me to do it and I kinda agree. Each client state you have will now reduce your primary cultures happiness instead. [h1] New Trade Systems [/h1] 1. Regional trade power system - You will have a certain percentage of trade power in every region you own territories in. The trade power in each region is based on goods produced in each territory, state commerce value, and regional trade centers. For each region that you have above 90% trade power in you will gain 2.5% global commerce value. Once you reach 10 regions above 90% you gain a special "Control of Regional Trade" modifier. Finally, once you reach 25 regions above 90% trade power you will get a special modifier called "Trade Hegemony". 2. Regional Trade Centers - Every region will have 3-4 regional trade centers that act as the central hubs of commerce in each region. A custom UI has been made to display each regions trade centers, here they can be upgraded all from level 1 to 5. Each level of trade center will give better modifiers and increase the base trade power you have in the region the trade center is in by 5. 3. Trade Goods Focus - A custom UI has been made that displays all trade goods and allows you to set a trade good focus for 1 trade good at a time for the cost of 50 political influence. 4. Trading In bonuses - A new system has been made for trade goods that will give a unique "trading in" modifier for every trade good. These modifiers will be gained once your nation produces at least 75% of the total production of a trade good. Your nations current production for each trade good and the amount needed to gain a bonus is displayed in the new UI. [h1] Bloodline Management [/h1] 1. Yet another custom UI screen that contains a button for every bloodline in the game and it's icon has been made. Each of these buttons can be clicked on and it will show you every character for every bloodline. Additionally, a special icon will show up next to characters that are possible to royal marry. 2. A blood shaped button has been added to two places to open the new UI, in the character window and when you right click on any character it will also show up. 3. Along with these changes I have made bloodlines more accessible in general. Royal marriage is no longer restricted to only monarchies, all nations can now try to get bloodlines. This mod is compatible with Better UI although there may be some BUI features that won't work. I have some of ideas for new mechanics that I may add in the future. If you can think of any more features that Imperator needs or find any bugs with this mod let me know.


Imperator Rome

Imperator Rome

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