Tribal Homeland Attrition








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Tribal Homeland Attrition version 0.3.2

In the spirit of the pagan defensive attrition from Crusader Kings II, Tribal Homeland Attrition adds attrition modifiers for tribal countries in Imperator: Rome.


The intention is to make it somewhat more difficult for civilized armies to invade tribal territory, and to give tribal armies on land a bonus to survival because of the extra challenges when fighting countries with superior military technology.


Hostile attrition in tribal territories

  • Migratory tribal homelands gain +3 hostile attrition
  • Settled tribal homelands gain +2 hostile attrition
  • Federated tribal homelands gain +1 hostile attrition

Reduced attrition for tribal armies

  • Migratory tribal armies reduce land attrition by 50%
  • Settled tribal armies reduce land attrition by 25%
  • Federated tribal armies reduce land attrition by 35%

Tribal territory max attrition increase

  • All territories owned by tribes increase max attrition by 5
  • Base 10% plus any additional max attrition increases from weather or events

Forest terrain supply limit

  • Forest terrain territories have a -25% supply modifier


This mod is compatible with Invictus v1.3+, the Simple I:R Timeline Extender v1.0+, and the Timeline Extension for Invictus.


v0.3.2.0 - Released 2022-05-14

Changelog Tribal Homeland Attrition v0.3.2 *tribal_homeland_attrition_pulse on_action edited to delay = { days = { 1 364 } } -no need to wait longer when it's already on a biyearly_country_pulse

v0.3.2 - Released 2022-05-14

Changelog Tribal Homeland Attrition v0.3.2 *tribal_homeland_attrition_pulse on_action edited to delay = { days = { 1 364 } } -no need to wait longer when it's already on a biyearly_country_pulse

v0.3.1 - Released 2022-05-11

Changelog Tribal Homeland Attrition v0.3.1 *moved on_actions tha_specific_from_code to tha_custom_on_actions -avoid overwriting base files and other mods!

v0.3 - Released 2022-05-08

Changelog Tribal Homeland Attrition v0.3 *adjusted attrition to -50% for migratory tribes; +2 hostile attrition and -25% land unit attrition for settled tribes; +1 hostile and -35% land unit attrition for federated tribes -settled tribes more defensive; federated more offensive +both more civilized and less mobile than migratory tribes *added on_action on_game_initialized to add tribal_homeland_max_attrition_increase modifier to every_owned_province for every_country is_tribal = yes *added attrition modifiers for tanist governments for Invictus -tanist_chiefdom is the same as settled tribes: +2 hostile attrition and -25% land unit attrition -tanist_federation is the same as federated tribes: +1 hostile and -35% land attrition

v0.2.0 - Released 2022-05-07

Updated version number to 0.2

v0.2 - Released 2022-05-07

Changelog Tribal Homeland Attrition v0.2 *adjusted attrition modifiers to -70% for migratory, -50% settled (same) and -30% for federated *added on_action events tha_max_attrition_sweep for countries and provinces to add modifier tribal_homeland_max_attrition_increase to increase attrition in tribal provinces by 5% (from base 5% to 10%) -if the province is conquered by a non-tribe or decolonized, events tha_max_attrition_sweep.2–3 remove this modifier -localization added for English, French and German

v0.1.0 - Released 2022-05-05

*Corrected #hashtag notes to indicate mod additions in files


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