Immersive Balance Tweaks





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The goal of this mod is to rebalance some aspects of the game to discourage meta gaming and encourage developing your nation in a more immersive fashion. What's immersive is subjective, so here is the outline for the main changes made by this mod. 1. Culture There are a few goals for this section. First to reduce the speed of assimilation, especially in rural areas and secondly to encourage the player to integrate more cultures. By slowing down assimilation rate it will encourage the player to integrate more cultures to increas levy sizes. This is accomplished by: - Making settlements (not cities) have an innate penalty to assimilation. - Unrest lowers assimilation rate. After all, if they don't like you, why would they adopt your customs? - No unrest gives a slight boost to assimilation. - Provincial legations have increased assimilation speed. - Number of Integrating Cultures has a smaller happiness penalty on all integrated cultures. - While integrating a culture the stability penalty has been increased to -0.5 monthly. This process should be painful in the short term but more rewarding in the long term due to the previous bullet. - Provinces that are majority an unintegrated culture have no penalties anymore, except to manpower. 2. Trade Goods The goal for this section is to change the player's goals in relation to resources. In vanilla you want 2 of every good in your capital and beyond that, little else matters. In this mod you are encouraged to build up individual provinces because the capital surplus has been removed, but the provincial effects of goods are more powerful and they are of course stackable. This means regions with an excess of a particular good will be more suited to building it up in a certain way. An area with a lot of Iron will get noticable bonuses to manpower and cohort starting experience, making it a center for your military operations. An area with an abundance of salt meanwhile will have bonuses to its defensiveness, meaning if you want to fortify the Alps against coming barbarian hordes it will make sense to import a resource that will actually help you last longer in a siege. The key here is to make it so certain areas serve different purposes and give different parts of your empire a different flavor. You might want to dedicate one area to manpower, one to reseach, one to taxes and so on. Because each area is limited in how many resources it can import they really will have different strengths and it usually makes sense to stack bonus that add on to the naturally occurring goods in an area for maximum effect. You'll also find that you might want to synergize the strengths of a province with the right buildings, speaking of which... 3. Buildings The goal for this section is to encourage the player to build up multiple cities over an empire instead of just one and stacking modifiers onto it. At the same time the player should be encouraged to build different buildings in different cities. In vanilla the player generally focuses most construction on buildings that will increase reasearch rate. In this mod, it will be somewhat easier to reach your maximum research rate, meaning once you're at that point you'll want start investing your resources into improving in other areas. This is further encouraged because the buildings give much more powerful bonuses. This is accomplished by: - Reducing the base max building slots and increasing the number of pops needed to get more slots (10 -> 15). This makes it so your decisions matter more. - Limiting the max number of all buildings in a single city, except forts. - Increasing the effects of each individual building. 4. Research THe final area this mod aims to modify is research. The goal is to simply make it so that it isn't too difficult to get to your max research efficiency so that the player is encouraged to building things for other purposes and to make it so that Tribes and more rural nations don't fall as far behind so that they still pose a threat to civilized nations. This is accomplished by: - Removing the base -50% research rate tribes have to research. Centralization no longer gives a research bonus, but it does give citizen and noble output instead. - Freemen and Tribesmen give a tiny amount of research, but citizens and nobles produce slightly less. Overall most nations will be producing more research.


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