Legion Distinctions Overhaul





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Completely changes how legions earn distinctions. RNG has been removed, and now legions grow organically based on unit composition, geography, and consistently winning. Almost all previous distinctions have been removed from the game. The remaining default ones have been rebalanced so that legions no longer have an inherent advantage over levies. Legions will grow more powerful through their ability to drill and permanent distinctions. To earn a distinction you must win a Great Battle. To be considered a Great Battle both sides need field at least 10k men (up from 8k in vanilla). The only exception to the Great Battle rule right now is sieges. To earn a siege distinction, simply win a siege in enemy territory with at least 20 of the same cohort type in your unit. After winning enough battles in a row you will gain a permanent distinction bonus; however, if you lose a battle before earning that permanent bonus all progress will be lost. To earn cohort type distinctions, simply win a battle with at least 20 cohorts of the same type in your legion unit. When winning a battle in enemy territory you will gain +Offense, while winning a battle in your own territory will earn you +Defense. Winning 10 battles in a row with the same >20 cohorts will earn you a permanent distinction. A more powerful permanent distinction will be applied at 20 victories. Each permanent bonus you earn in this way counts towards a combined arms distinction. Achieving 3 or 6 permanent cohort distinctions will earn you a powerful new distinction. Winning any Great Battle will earn you a morale distinction. At 10 and 20 victories in a row, permanent versions of morale distinctions will be applied. Winning any Great Battle will earn you terrain combat bonuses related to the terrain the battle was fought on. At 5 and 10 victories in a certain terrain, permanent terrain distinctions will be applied. If you lose a battle on an enemy fort, you will lose all your siege distinction progress. Siege distinctions are earned at 5, 10 ,15 and 20 successful sieges. Fleeing from a battle counts as a loss. Stand and fight if you want to sully your legion's honor. Future Plans: - Allow levies to gain the same bonuses as legions (however they are destroyed when levies are disbanded). - When drilling, gain a limited number of bonuses based on the cohorts drilling and their terrain. This MOD was developed with multiplayer balance in mind, hence some of the large values to discourage abuse. If you're interested in Imperator multiplayer join a campaign at Molon Labe PS: I marked this as requiring Heirs of Alexander, but it may work without it. PSS: If you want to try to use this mod with other mods, I would suggest loading this mod first in your playlist.


v4 - Released 2021-11-20

v3 - Released 2021-09-12

v2 - Released 2021-09-06


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