Kemetic Syncretism and More





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INTRODUCTION TO THE MOD Hello ! This is intended to be a submod of Invictus that adds tons of Syncretic deities to the Kemetic faith, as well as some other neat additions. This version, Alpha Apep, is called as such for the introduction of 'Evil' deities. Go ahead and worship said deities and you will get VERY powerful omens to call upon... however, these omens come at a cost ! The features below with a * next to their name means that they are brand new to this update. EVIL DEITIES* +Apep, serpent of destruction and devourer of the Sun* +Mekhanty-Irty, demon of maledictions aplenty* +Ammit, terrifying devourer of condemned souls* +Sashu, beast of chaos tamed only by Set* COMBO GODS +Sekhmet-Bastet +Sobek-Ra +Amun-Ra* +Resheph-Horus* +Qetesh-Hathor* SYNCRETIC GODS* Canaanite: +Melqart-Osiris* +Astarte-Sekhmet* +Anat-Bastet* SHORT TERM PLANNED FEATURES - Add WAY WAY more syncretic deities, if you're looking for a road map, more canaanite, chaldean, tuistic, and arabic will be in the next update - Add more evil deities, I will look to add at least one to the most popular polytheistic faiths in the game next update - Add more combo gods (?), no promises on too many more, but I might look to add a few more LONG TERM PLANNED FEATURES 1. Evil Deity Events and Flavor - I want to make evil deities it's own playstyle, like picking the deity Apep should lock you out from a deity like Ra or Amun-Ra or Set. It should also come with events, negative modifiers, and positive modifiers too ! 2. Combo Deity Events and Flavor - Combo deities already exist base game so this would be more difficult to implement, however, I want to make Combo deities more than just another deity you can pick, I want them to feel special. Absolutely something I want to do is remove the ability to use the deities that make up a combo deity as well. 3. Atenism - I want to add Atenism into the game. It'll have flavor, events, and a lot of interaction with Kemetism of course. I might even try and make a system where destroying Kemetism in favor of Atenism would give you benefits, or just bake that idea into a tree. JOIN THE DISCORD This mod is super early in development, I have a discord for it regardless. I'm very new to modding and would appreciate any type of help, suggestions, bug reports, etc. I also would love to add any compatch anyone needs for their own mods. Either use the letters and numbers below or click the discord link in the comments. hQGEs4ZEFT


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