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THE INDO-GREEK KINGDOM This mod creates an actual formeable tag for the Indo-Greek Kingdom, instead of a relatively underwhelming event. Now, Bactria, Parthia or the Seleucids can form the Kingdom of Indus, a Hellenistic nation in the Indian subcontinent. FORMATION REQUIREMENTS - Must be playing as Bactria, Parthia or the Seleucids - Must have Hellenistic culture - Must be a monarchy - Must be at peace - Must be in control of all provinces required by the event FORMING INDUS - New nation of Indus is formed, with a new map color and a new flag - Option appears to keep your capital or move to Euthymedeia, Alexandreia on the Indus, Indabara, Taxila or Alexandrou Limen. The new capital gets several bonuses. - Player gets claims on the entire Indian subcontinent - Indica gets the 'By the Indus' modifier which gives bonuses to population growth, different cultures and diplomacy NEW ADDITONS (MARCH 3RD) - Added a new decision to convert to Buddhism after forming the Indo-Greek Kingdom. Must have a certain amount of political influence. - Changed country name to 'Indus' because Indica reminded me too much of marijuana (lol) - New Graeco Indian culture. Indus, as well as your ruler and characters above a certain loyalty level, will change their culture to Graeco Indian after choosing the decision to form the Indo-Greek Kingdom. Graeco Indian Kings will be called Ragias (Raja) and Macharagias (Maharaja). New names will also appear based on historical Indo-Greek kings and Greek names for Indian rulers. - Added a new event where Menander Euthydemid will appear as a character after several years. The option will eventually become available to make Menander your new leader, and he comes with quite a few good traits and much higher stats. He will then found the Euthydemid dynasty. - Added more dynamic Greek province names for India, Persia and Bactria


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