I came, I saw, I conquered





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I Came, I Saw, I Conquered is a balance mod for Emperor:Rome.




Adjust starting populations

-Work in progress

-First regions will be balanced to each other, then provinces in regions be adjusted and then starting buildings

Adjust terrains

-To be done in future

-This will include certain terrains being better at start and others being better with irrigation, which will be done via events and buildings

Balance governments

-Despotic monarchy now requires 1 less slave per bonus trade good

-Tribal governments get less from citizens (-30% citizen output and commerce for tribal chiefdom), but gain more military technology (+120% for tribal chiefdom)

Balance governor policies

-Every governor policy now has 5% additional governor wage tied to it (was 0 before in most cases)

Balance ideas

-Several adjustments like more manpower, loyalty and 1 less slave per bonus trade good but 10% less slaves output in ideas

Balance laws

-Mostly small adjustments, but laws now have a bigger impact on manpower, in line with this laws on freemen buffed

Balance military traditions

-Latin, Levantine, North African and Greek Traditions adjusted by swuul

Balance offices

-Small adjustments to numbers

Balance omens

-Buffed research speed omen, replaced manpower omen with mp recovery speed

Balance pop types

-Buffed citizen research points and gave tribesmen 1/8th the research points of citizens

Balance technologies

-Added tribesmen output to civic and religious tech to balance out civilization increase from oratory tech

Balance trade goods

-Increased state capital effects from most trade goods, replaced state capital happiness modifiers with output

Balance buildings

-To be looked at in future


Main changes atm:

Effects of everything on manpower is bigger, having many trade goods in a province capital is stronger, Latin, Levantine, North African and Greek Traditions adjusted by swuul, Tribes buffed if they use tribesmen and stay tribal, some regions got a lot stronger, middle east in general will be stronger when pop adjustments are done.


Imperator Rome

Imperator Rome

Full game