Old Timeline Extension for Old Invictus







Overhaul, Historical




For use only with [Old] Invictus version 1.5

Compatible with Invictus v1.5f Dies Natalis [Old Invictus]

–should be placed below Invictus in the launcher load order


This is an updated copy of the Simple I:R Timeline Extender for Imperator: Rome v2.0.3 Marius. For further details, see the original mod description: https://mods-paradoxplaza-here.info/


—> Must be enabled when you start a new game for saints and barbarian events to work (if you enable the mod after starting a game some files won't work properly because they are loaded on a new game setup)


v0.2.0a - Released 2023-05-20

Updated descriptor mod name to Old Timeline Extension for Old Invictus

v0.2.0 - Released 2023-05-20

Beta — v0.2.0 *added Imperator: Invictus as a dependency in the mod file *updated setup in countries.txt file *blocked chefia_area in IRCK3 is_in_pars_occidentalis_inv_trigger -removed from regions in Invictus v1.5 *added BHA tag for Bharatavarsha end game formable to late antiquity decline modifiers *added NOT has_global_variable roman_empire_divided check in potential for divide_roman_empire_invictus IRCK3 decision -should not show up twice if severed half conquers other half! *experimented with levy_size_multiplier maluses to late_antiquity_pop_decline modifiers -added to cursed_by_elohim country modifier *added army_maintenance_cost and navy_maintenance_cost modifiers to late_antiquity_pop_decline modifiers -army and navy sizes declined historically as they became more difficult to maintain -should reduce number of legions in the late game *added cyrenaica_region and lower_nubia_region for triggering st_mark theosis event -lower_nubia_region added in Invictus v1.4 *added province population checks to triggers for te_plagues.11 (Antonine plague) and te_plagues.21 (Cyprian plague) to avoid error log complaints of unset scope where no city of sufficient population is found in a country *buffed germanic migrations modifier -more in line with very hard AI, plus more added morale *edited date for te_migrations.10 and 01_te_historic_country ai_plan_goal to start in 1128 AUC / 375 CE *added event te_migrations.11 to remove germanic migrations modifier for a country that is no longer a tribe (or no longer germanic) *added barbarian_fury_discipline country modifier for discipline 0.05, siege_ability 0.1 and siege_engineers 1 -added to event te_barbarians.50 *added events te_barbarians.13–15 if Scandinavian provinces next to p:5952 are overtaken by a non-germanic country after 1054 AUC / 300 CE -should add some challenge for AI or a player to hold this area as non-Germanic -added in events under te_custom_on_action_yearly_country_barbarians *changed culture of impassable province 5952 from suiones to scandian *added event te_barbarians.55 -for AI countries, if a province has more than 300 tribesmen (because of barbarian strongholds) check for dominant_province_culture and if it is huna, hunnic, istvaeonic or irminonic, set ruler and primary culture to that culture -should work in tandem with other te_barbarians.5* events to make invasions have more of an effect on the map, and prevent some provinces from getting massive populations from settling tribesmen -added in te_custom_on_action_yearly_country_tribesmen -fixed set_primary_culture to set_primary_culture_cleanup_effect -corrected second NOR in trigger to OR *edited event te_barbarians.53 to add don_river_area provinces for removing barbarian stronghold on province_id 5970 -all provinces are next to the don_river_area and do not neighbor the stronghold directly, causing removal to fail *added event te_barbarians.98 to cleanup any strongholds over Pontic Steppe that might be added and left running after fourth hunnic wave -added to te_custom_on_action_yearly_country_barbarians *blocked te_migrations.2 line 307 set_country_religion effect to avoid creating new countries with no set religion due to unset scope *doubled the WORK_COST_SCALEFACTOR in defines.txt -extends time required for building great wonders, as there tend to be too many great works in the late game *increased TECH_ENTRY_YEARS to 20, TECH_AHEAD_OF_TIME lowered to -0.15 and TECH_BEHIND_OF_TIME lowered to -0.15 owered added technology to 3500 for severed WRE and 4000 for severed ERE, respectively, in IRCK3 decision -tech check changed for WRE < 35 or ERE < 40 *tiny edits to localizations for l6_conversions_l_english.yml and deities_christianity_l_english.ym

Updated mod name


Imperator Rome

Imperator Rome

Full game