Subject Rework





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[hr][b]Summary[/b] Fairly simple mod which removes the diplomatic relations slot cost for most subject types, slightly rebalances their tribute, and adds an event making it possible for subjects to rebel. Forum thread: In Imperator: Rome, the game normally results in the map gradually getting divided up into enormous, monolithic, 'blob' empires - which sometimes trade territory between one another, but rarely fracture into new or smaller states. This is pretty ahistorical - in reality, most of the empires in this era governed large swathes of territory through semi-autonomous client states of one form or another, and it was quite common for those subjects to rebel, change sides, etc. Currently, while it's mechanically possible for a subject to declare an independence war against its overlord, it seems as if the AI will literally never do it. I couldn't figure out how to mod the AI properly, so I've done it by event instead. More of my thought process behind it in this thread. [b]Detailed Changes[/b] [list] [*]client states, colonies, league cities, and mercenary states no longer cost a diplomatic slot (I didn't include satrapies, since some events can give you pretty huge & over-powered satrapies, so it seemed unfair) [*]colonies, league cities and mercenary states can now be integrated [*]subject tribute has been rebalanced -client state gold tribute reduced from 25% to 10% (since they no longer take up a diplomatic relations slot) -tributary gold tribute increased from 15% to 20% [*]there is now an event that can fire for AI subjects demanding independence -doesn't affect tributaries as they already have an equivalent vanilla event -can't fire for the first 10 years of the game -can fire yearly, but subject must have loyalty below 35, or if the overlord has high war exhaustion (above 10), low stability (below 30), or is in a civil war, must have loyalty below 50 -should only fire once every 10 years for each subject -you can let them go peacefully, declare war, or bribe them with gold or political influence. You can't declare war on your rebellious vassal if you're allied together in a war already. [/list] [b]Compatibility[/b] Made for version 2.01 of Imperator:Rome, but I assume should be compatible with most updates. Should be compatible with anything that doesn't modify vassals. Files affected are:[list][*]commonprices0_from_script.txt [*]commonsubject_types0_default.txt [*]commonon_action0_custom_on_action.txt [/list] Fully compatible with, and I'd recommend playing it alongside, AI Empires Collapse, which increases the chances of province rebellions in AI empires I'd quite like to do more to the AI, but I don't really have much idea where to start modding it. Particularly I'd like to make the AI more likely to vassalise than annex territory, but I'm not sure how - I've tried tweaking the AE and warscore costs, but it doesn't seem to help much. [*]Could be worth rebalancing or developing subject loyalty modifiers [*]Could probably be worth finessing - the way the events fire at once for every subject is probably not ideal. I'm also not sure if the bribe options are properly balanced. [*]I'd like it to be possible for rebellious subjects to peace out of wars they're allied with you in (and allow you the possibility to declare war on them), but I can't work out how to code it. [*]It would be cool to have events fire on the outbreak of a civil war, but there doesn't seem to be a trigger for this in the code that I can see.


Imperator Rome

Imperator Rome

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