HOI4 Unification Wars





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The light of civilization gutters and fades as the Long Night threatens to consume humanity


As the thirtieth millennium draws to a close, it seems that any hope for humanity may be finally lost. A galaxy-spanning empire has been reduced to shattered and disparate pockets of men and women trying to scrape out a meager existence, easy prey for the alien, the mutant, and worse. Terra, the cradle-world and heart of this once great empire, has not been spared. Starved of resources, embroiled in conflict, and degraded by a thousand years of ceaseless war, cruel Techno-Barbarian Warlords call themselves masters of the broken ruins of mankind’s birthplace. The seas have been boiled by atomic fire, and the earth soured by the blood of billions. There is no peace here, only the pause between wars, the ragged gasp of nation-states before their petty tyrants can muster their broken subjects to die beneath the guns and upon the blades of one another again. So it would continue, until the last life is extinguished, but for a single man. Beneath the Himalazian mountains, a visionary sees the time to act is almost arrived. He makes ready his allies, and sets into motion great plans. He sees a great crusade launched across the stars, the scattered scions of humanity reforged again, but first . . . first Terra must be unified, and forged into world that will once again shape the fate of the galaxy.


Thus begin the Unification Wars, and the end of the Long Night.



The Unification Wars Mod attempts to give players a chance to step into the Warhammer 40k Universe at a pivotal moment, letting them shape the fate of Terra as the Emperor of Man builds the foundations of the Imperium. With custom national focus trees, unit models, world map, technology trees, and more, this mod seeks to completely overhaul the game into a unique experience. With careful attention to lore, and the game-play mechanics to back it up, this mod allows you take control as a number of key players.

This mod is currently in Beta and therefor is only a teaser of things to come. Soon you will be able to take control as a number of key players. Become the Emperor and dominate the Pan-Pacific, bring Ursh to heel, and crack open the island fortress of Albion as the Imperium. Try to maintain your iron grip on the Pan-Pacific as Narthan Dume, even as everything starts to crumble around you. Dedicate Ursh to the Dark Gods in a bid to crush the upstart Master of Lines before he can complete his “Angels of Death.” Try to throw the biggest party ever as the Merican Baronies! We still have plenty of things to fix, and even more to add, so make sure to keep up with us on Discord to report bugs and see our latest teasers!



-New mechanics

-Completely redesigned world-map

-Custom focus trees

-Lore friendly events and nations

-Custom models and textures

-Extensive events and choices that give narrative insight

-Space Marines!

vBeta 5 Hotfix 15 - Released 2023-06-11
BETA 5 HOTFIX 15 - Added impassable terrain - Added new nations - Changed placement of some nations - Fixed some supply companies being unresearchable 
vBeta 5 Hotfix 14 - Released 2023-04-05
BETA 5 HOTFIX 14 Added game rule to toggle April Fools 2023 content - Added the NSB tank designer - Changed Custodes to be paradroppable - Changed Dreadnought stats - Changed Mechanized stats - Fixed playthrough stats button placement - Fixed a missing Imperium event - Fixed missing technology scrollbars - Fixed some electronical technology effects missing - Fixed availability for Chrono Warrior name list - Fixed a broken portrait
vBeta 5 Hotfix 13 - Released 2023-01-31
BETA 5 HOTFIX 13 - Fixed mod being unable to launch on Game Pass - Fixed DLC loading screens causing issues
vBeta 5 Hotfix 12 - Released 2023-01-23
Hotfix 8 - Added missing idea icons to Khaal Kingdom, Nova Jovia and Rekin Amarah - Changed No Man's Land colour - Changed Badlands of Shar in Xongic Qaghanate to be multiple states - Changed Guided Missile ranges - Fixed major countries not having advisors - Fixed major countries not having generic decisions - Fixed missing tooltips in Astartes Program GUI - Fixed main menu GUI being unclickable for small resolutions Hotfix 9 - Added Hoth Grendal as leader to Old Albia - Added Steam Dreadnoughts to Old Albia - Added a way to get Dreadnought tech by defeating Old Albia - Added a division name list for Khaal Kingdom - Added decisions to delete and convert old equipment - Added continent map mode - Changed the way Imperium gets Tupelov Lancers - Changed ruinous(tzeentch) leader effect from invasion plan speed bonus to max planning bonus - Changed Nor Eang owner from Nordafrik Conclaves to Europa - Fixed the Titan unit instantly disappearing - Fixed some focus checks for the Achaemenid Empire - Fixed missing loc for some nation names. definitions and adjectives - Removed cavalry from the vehicle tech tree Hotfix 10 - Added scrollbar to ideology container - Added some impassable areas to the map - Added ideas to Terrawatt Clan, Cahamana, Gahadavala - Added a new meme nation - Changed target game version to 1.12.* - Changed some provinces' continents - Changed country leaders for Osturia and Oxitania - Changed Imperium focus tree to include some early railway construction - Fixed Terrawatt Clan not getting Thunder Warriors - Fixed small portraits not displaying - Fixed an error with the river map - Removed meme game rule (fused with meme nation game rule) Hotfix 11 - Added more city lights - Added a sanity check to Achaemenid focus tree - Added power armour technology to Skandia - Added coup government operation - Changed Begaria to use the Kossak name list for Techno-Barbarian units - Changed equipment producer to Human Federation for generic decisions - Changed No Man's Land colour - Changed default occupation template to basic infantry - Fixed main menu not displaying properly without one of the last three DLCs - Fixed two Custodes small portraits not displaying properly - Fixed Nordafrik having troops outside their borders - Fixed planes not being assignable to missions - Fixed descriptor pointing to old game version Hotfix 12 - Added some more Victory Points - Added some more sanity checks to generic decisions - Added some aircraft designers to ACH, PLK, POA, UTA, WCM, YND - Changed city lights back to old way - Changed YUA AI to make Imperium early game easier - Changed some supply multipliers - Fixed guided missiles not being able to do strat bombing - Fixed display of buttons on ingame menu - Fixed planes being unable to train - Fixed NML ideology and focus tree - Fixed descriptor pointing to old game version
v2 - Released 2022-06-17
BETA 5 HOTFIX 7 Added the Ur-Kingdom of Atlan - Added the Kingdom of Mad Scar - Added countries to the Pacific Waste - Added economy decisions to help with building railways, supply hubs and trains - Added train tech to every country at game start - Changed targeted game version to newest - Changed vehicle needed for support companies to Chimera - Changed the Achaemenid decisions relating to the Arabyan tribes to not be active during war with the target country - Changed some State names - Changed Aftermath of the Age of Strife idea to include a supply buff - Changed some Pacific Waste states to include more (or any) factories - Changed the Purge at all Cost decision relating to ruinous influence to have a 100% success rate - Changed name of Nova Jovia state in the Caucasus Wastes - Fixed No Man's Land being targeted by certain decisions - Fixed number of buildings in some states - Fixed some states not having an owner - Fixed missing capitals - Fixed some missing icons - Fixed some tooltips - Fixed Execute Resistance Leader decision not


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