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This mod is now compatible with By Blood Alone patch 1.12.8! After months of waiting, Two Steps Forward has arrived! Check the change log for more details! The Great War rent an entire generation. Boys as young as seven faced the wrack and lead in the fields of No Man’s Land, and for what? For an inconclusive peace between who was left. In the British Isles, they turned to what they had; in the German heartland, they turned to what they could have; and in the great cities of Fiume and Paris, they turned to what they could only dream of having. In Western Europe, a fragile balance between socialists, accelerationists, and the old republics and kingdoms is about to be upset. To the East, a wounded Russia sits on a throne of bayonets, and the Intermarium prepares itself for the storm ahead. In the Americas, continent-spanning giants face their darkest hour, instability finally coming to their shores. An ocean away in Asia, the fall of empires and the weakness of yet more make everything possible once again. And in Africa, new, fragile hopes stagger forth to be born. Red Flood is an alternative history mod for Hearts of Iron IV. The roads that were not taken in the 1920s and 30s open to us once more. We hope you enjoy travelling down them.Unique Focus Trees For: Altay, Armenia, Belarus, Persia, Israel, Ukraine, Nikkei-Burajiru, Poland, Tuareg Free Territory, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Fiume, Austria, Japan, Anhui, Imperial Authority, Russia, USA, Brazil, Montenegro, Transbaikal, Assyria, Baltic Governorate, California, Finland, GG of the Steppes, Italy (Returns), Revolutionary Japan, Kavkaz Society, Korea(s), Mantetsu (Manchuria), Orenburg, Siberia, South-Eastern Union, United Provinces (Churchill's India), Yakutia, Yugoslavia, Zheltorossiya Collapse tags and The Prussian Congo [*]A new and interesting world with deep lore and tons of new and bizzare contents and ideas to explore! [*]A completely new world map with remade shading and many new nations all across the globe. [*]11 new and unique ideologies, with 33 new subideologies, including Futurism, Technocracy, Individualist Anarchism and more! [*]Completely custom Focus Tree Icons, UI art, and thousands of custom-made portraits. Head Admin: Baba Yaga Deux [h1] Our amazing Red Flood team: [/h1] Andrew Jacksinov, Arioch, Artsivayli, ashley xd, Aurel, Baba Yaga Deux, Brian!, Deogratias, Doomer, Drion, DRU, Enderprophet, Florian OFF, Garin, Georgy, Gernika, Gothic Garlic, GrandAutismo, Haguruma, Hago, HistoricalMan, Insulidan, Jol, Kebab, Kekwards Tvxt, KobraKommander, Lord of Hours, marie, masuru, mekusthelolus, multi, Mushichan, nebuch, Nicholas, Ozajasz, Ozmandiaz, Pintar, Prophetess, Prussian king, Ryan Chrystler, SahokoTakoro, SloveneAnon, Sparrow, Suhtekorraldaja, TaTy, Teutonic, vergara, YeezeyBreezey, Yung Daal, and all the previous developers!
v8 - Released 2023-02-11
v0.3.8 - Released 2023-01-28
Compatibility with HoI4 Version 1.12.8
v0.3.7 - Released 2022-11-30
Compatibility with Hearts of Iron Version 1.12 "Avalanche" and the By Blood Alone DLC
v0.3.6.3 - Released 2022-06-19
Fixed inconsistent crashing upon selecting and loading into a country Fixed France officer corps advisors disappearing when you choose one Fixed Finland officer corps & theorists missing traits Fixed France getting cores on Tunisia through its Islam focuses Added minister icons to Baltic General Governorate & fixed missing/wrong traits Fixed missing portraits from Russian and Novorossiyan generals Fixed Belarus theorists missing traits Fixed Leontic removing some of his own party popularity instead of Accel one Fixed Kavkaz’s “Bolshevism for Eurasia” not granting its manpower buff Fixed Australia’s flag not acknowledging the absence of Western Australia Some Spanish Civil War fixes Fixed Gorgulov’s national spirits not merging properly Added Srem state for neater Kaiser Karl borders Fixed Kavkaz unification not moving the capital Fixed Prussia not being fully annexed by the Intermarium Fixed Marinetti not being able to complete his final focus if you puppeted instead of fully annexed Removed decisions relying on Green Ukraine being accel, which it can never normally be Fixed German pan-Germanists accidentally being more radical than Hitler Numerous localisation fixes Known Issues Missing localisation Annexation events are still WIP and may have bugs Stalemates/AI failing to advance AI declaring wars on nations they cannot reach As usual the Red Flood team would like to thank all our fans for their feedback, support and bug reports.
v0. - Released 2022-06-15
Attempting to fix download error
v0.3.6.2 - Released 2022-06-15
Fixed nations not building divisions (special thanks to M. Karlsen on the discord) Fixed officer corps advisors disappearing when you choose one Fixed Flynn focus icons Fixed Einstein not turning up properly in Israel Rasputin now has his ministers in Orenburg Fixed incorrect Country def for Gajda and Siam Fixed the Brazilian Republic not getting cores on all of Brazil Various Japan fixes Fixed Germany gamerules Added loc for Altai rules Added Austria gamerules Fixed typo on Austria Def Fixed Annenkov portrait not showing up Fixed Nitti not being able to take advisors Fixed Kornilov not being able to take advisors Fixed “Build up a surplus” generic decision national spirit disappearing after a day Italy nerfed (again) - this mostly affects the AI Fixed Kavkaz getting naval dockyards in a landlocked state Various superevent fixes Fixed old generals not disappearing when Gastev makes them all numbers Fixed dynamic modifiers having their country in brackets after their name Fixed Priamurye advisors not being recruitable Fixed Ksenofontov joining a non-existent Zheltorossiya Replaced the outdated Congo loading screen with a swanky new one Fixed Anhui clique receiving factories and units in provinces they don’t own Fixed a decimal in Harbin ideas (farewell 1500% division recovery rate) Fixed Loc for “The New Premier” of Zheltorossiya Gorgulov will now core all of Mongolia, and can play even if Orenburg got vored Fixed Communist Japan’s ministers requiring three different ideologies to be the ruling party The Collapse of South Eastern Union has been removed, since it made other paths stuck, and was planned to be removed later Fixed Kavkaz theorists not granting their associated doctrine cost reductions Fixed Priamurye not getting cores on Russia Fixed certain annexation events having circular triggers Redistributed the world’s aluminium, nerfed American oil Armenia now starts with some military factories Various officer corps trait fixes Fixed being able to press the Altai unification button forever Added minister icons to Yakutia Fixed certain Italy decisions giving resources in states that you don’t own Fixed Austria being able to guarantee Slovakia as it breaks free Added equipment (including trucks) to starting stockpile of Mongolian tags in a vain attempt to make fighting there less tortuous Added a bypass to France’s “Adventure in Spain” focus so that you can continue the tree after the civil war is finished Added a reduced garrison requirement to Fiume during their conquest of Italy Added conditions to certains reunification focus to avoid war within war Changed Mellon and D'Annunzio subideologies to Classical Liberalism and National Rejuvationism respectively Yudayako has been permanently deleted Added leader traits to the German leaders Fixed Japan not being able to do the “Expand the Mantetsu Railways” Focus Fixed and Expanded Spanish skeleton content Fixed Savitr’s cores Added Supply hubs to Galati, Stavropol, Guriev, Herat, Samarkand, Dushanbe, Bishkek, Akmolinsk, Ulala, Magdagachi and Nikolayevsk-na-amure. Removed one in Chifeng Fixed the Finnish King not taking over Fixed various bugs in Red Finland including the HVA path being locked Fixed Siberia’s generic tree not granting the doctrine cost reductions Fixed Assyria’s democratic path not working Fixed Madagascar events Altered SEU’s foreign policy to be less invasive/frustrating to counter Fixed Altai not coring MPA properly Minor edits and localisation for Ukraine’s Foreign Policy Decisions Limited the AI’s ability to close its economy Fixed several typos Fixed Spanish Civil War unit spawns Fixed Venezuela not having divisions or templates Fixed a typo on Goebbels' flag Known Issues Missing localisation Annexation events are still WIP and may have bugs Stalemates/AI failing to advance AI declaring wars on nations they cannot reach As usual the Red Flood team would like to thank all our fans for their feedback, support and bug reports.
v2 - Released 2022-06-02


Empire Of Sin

Empire Of Sin

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