Kaiserreich Simplified Chinese version






Welcome to the world of Kaiserreich!

Kaiserreich Chinese version is now compatible with bilingual startup! You can start in any language you choose! (Don’t choose languages ​​other than English and Chinese)
The original Chinese completion MOD has been added to loc, no need to subscribe anymore

Current KR module version: 0.26

Currently adapted to HOI4 body version: 1.12.*

Hello everyone, this is the Farenstair Chinese team. As a newly established Chinese language team, while carrying out the Chinese language work of TNO: NF and Metro: New Era, which the team was originally responsible for, there was still some spare capacity within the team. After discussion, it was decided to take over the KR Chinese language project. The old KR Chinese translation team has been disbanded and stopped working due to well-known reasons. After discussion, we contacted the KR production team and obtained the authorization for Simplified Chinese Chinese translation.

KR water group number: (to be established)

KR Chinese language review group: If you want to join the Chinese language group, you can join this group for assessment.

important hint

This Chinese module is a plug-in module. Please make sure to subscribe to the original version of KR on the right and open it at the same time to play normally. [It is not necessary to subscribe to the three music modules, but this module plug-in translates the song titles of most of the music] The KR production team has a very small amount of text that is not written in the localization file, but is written in the gameplay of events, national policies, etc. in the relevant code files. Some event renaming and GUI text Chineseization should be placed in the KR Chinese completion module. Please open the above three modules during version adaptation to obtain a complete experience. If KR is updated, please turn off the Chinese completion module, otherwise some game-related code files will not be updated, causing game bugs, and in severe cases, crashes and other problems may occur. At the same time, the KR group also has multiple accessory modules, such as music and soldier models. In the collection below, players have been introduced to the functions of all accessory modules:

Kaiserreich Chinese collection (subscription for soldier models and music accessory modules):

Before reporting a problem, please make sure whether it is caused by a version update or other non-KR official modules.

In addition, every time KR is updated, excluding newly added text, the translated text will also be temporarily lost due to the production team fine-tuning the text, modifying the text key value, changing the text position, or modifying the folder name. If the Chinese version does not catch up for a while, it will Will be completed in the next update.


all content:

-System general:

Game rules preset route, world events, annexation/release events, equipment introduction, region name + victory point, KR music package song title, 57 route guides (according to the starting tag, FIN, NOR, SWE, ENG, FRA, HOL, IRE, SPA, ITA, SIC, SRI, AUS, ALB, BUL, GRE, ROM, SER, BAT, LIT, POL, UKR, WHR, RUS, CUB, ELS, GUA, HON, MEX, WIF, ARG, BOL, BRA, ECU, PAR, GEO, JBS, PER, TUR, LIB, NFA, SAF, CHI, FNG, GXC, HNN, KUM, MON, QIE, SIK, SQI, SZC, TIB, XSM, YUN, BHU, J# A#P, AST)


GER German Empire, dismember Germany tag (including BAY Bavaria, GRU German Republic, NGF North German Federation, PRE Prussia, RHI Rhineland, no national policy)


DEN Denmark, FIN Finland, ICE Iceland, NOR Norway, SWE Sweden, SCA Scandinavia

-Western Europe:

Events of the Third International, Miscellaneous Western European Countries, Trigger Events of World War II, BEL Belgium, ENG British Alliance, FLA Flanders, FRA French Commune, GBP Great Britain (German Cooperation Government), GBR United Kingdom (Return of the King), HOL Nied Ireland, IRE Ireland, SCO Scotland, SWI Switzerland, WAL Wallonia, WLS Wales

-Iberian Peninsula:

POR Portugal (including the Portuguese government in exile), SPA Spain, SPR Carlos Spain, SWF CNT-FAI


EMI Modena/Parma, ITA Italian Republic, LOM Lombardy, PAP Papal States, SIC Two Sicilies, SRD Sardinia, SRI Italian Socialist Republic, TUS Tuscany, VNC Venice

-Austro-Hungarian Empire and its crown:

Budapest Peace Treaty Incident, AUS Austria

-Balkan Powder Keg:

Belgrade Treaty Incident, ALB Albania, BUL Bulgaria, GRE Greece, ROM Romania, SER Serbia, MNT Montenegro

-East wall:

General event resolution for Eastern Europe, BAT Baltic United Principality, LIT Lithuania, POL Poland, UKR Ukraine, WHR Belarus, EST Estonia, LAT Latvia

- Russia and its pastries:

RUS Russia, SOV Russia, TRM Transamur, Central Asia Miscellaneous

-North America:

CAN Canada, American Civil War Incident Resolution, CSA United States of America, NEE New England, PSA Pacific States of America, TEX Confederate States of America, USA United States of America

-Central America and the Caribbean:

ANT Antilles Union, CEN Central America, COS Costa Rica, CUB Cuba, DOM Dominican Republic, ELS El Salvador, GUA Guatemala, HAI Haiti, HON Honduras, MEX Mexico, NIC Nicaragua, PAN Panama, PUE Puerto Rico, WIF West Indies, YUC Yucatan

-South America:

ARG Argentina, BOL Bolivia, BRA Brazil, CHL Chile, COL Colombia, ECU Ecuador, FOP Patagonia (including Andesia), PAR Paraguay, PRU Peru, URG Uruguay, VEN Venezuela, Dismemberment Brazil tag (including AMA Amazon , BAH Bahia, GOY Goiás, GRP Palmares/Guararapes, PIR Pilatini/Rio Grande, SPO Sao Paulo, VCR Veracruz, with national policies)

-Middle East and Caucasus:

Arab League resolutions, Cairo Treaty events, EGY Egypt, GEO Georgia, JBS Jebel Shemer, LBA Cyrenaica, OMA Oman, PAL Jerusalem/Suez, PER Persia, SAU Nejd/Saudi Arabia, TUR Ottoman (including Desert War defeated Turkey), YEM Yemen, ARM Armenia, ASY Assyria, HEJ Hejaz/Rashid, IKH Ikhwan, IRQ Iraq, KDR Anatolian Kurdish, KUR Kurdish, LEB Lebanon, SYR Syria

-African continent:

(French) West Africa miscellaneous, other African miscellaneous (including general national policy event resolutions for small African countries), LIB Liberia, MAF German Africa (including the German government in exile), MOR Morocco, NFA French Republic, SAF South Africa, SOM Somalia, KTG Gadan Canada, MAF.SWA Southwest Africa, NAT Natal, NMB Namibia, ZIM Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, DAH Dahomey, GAB Gabon

-China Region:

China General Mechanism, Chinese Federation Province Mechanism, National Defense Alliance Mechanism, Kuomintang Unified General National Policy, ANQ Anqing/Xinwan Clan, CHI KMT Left, EST East Turkestan, FNG Feng Clan, GXC Guangdong and Guangxi, HNN Hunan, KUM Hami, LEC Embassy City , LEP Eight Provinces/Ning Clan/Southeastern Provinces, MON Mongolia, QIE Qing Dynasty/Northern Zhili Clan, SHX Shanxi Clan, SIK Xinjiang, SQI Shandong/Shangqing Heavenly Kingdom, SZC Sichuan Clan, TIB Tibet, XSM Ma Jiajun, YUN Yunnan

-South Asia:

India Miscellaneous, BHU Bhutan, HND Indian Commune, PRF Princely Federation, RAJ Indian Dominion

-Japan and the Co-Prosperity Sphere:

JAP Japan, KOR Korea

-Southeast Asia:

East Asia Colonial Negotiations, DEI Dutch East Indies (including the Dutch Government in Exile), GEA German East Asia, SIA Siam/Thailand, INC Indo-China, INS Indo-Surindia, KAC Kachin, SHA Shan State


AST Australasia, HAW Hawaii

0.26 Chinese localization progress:
New content in version 0.26:
SPA Spain 100%
SPR Carlos Spain 100%
SWF-Yiwulian 100%
CHI Kuomintang Left 100%

Old content still being translated into Chinese:

Equipment introduction is 85% strong, KR music package song title is 95% strong, UKR Ukraine is 80% strong, PUE Puerto Rico is 95% strong, ARM Armenia is 90% strong, TUR Desert War defeated Turkey is 70% strong, LEB Lebanon is 95% strong, KTG is added Tanga is 70% stronger


Completely un-Chinese content:

suspect? none!

Chineseization progress information was last updated on July 28, 2023

v0.26.1CN(CN) - Released 2023-08-28
0.26.1CN update
v0.26.1CN - Released 2023-07-28
Sinicization of Spain, Sinicization of Shanxi


Hearts Of Iron IV

Hearts Of Iron IV

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