Minor Nations Reborn





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What is Minor Nations Reborn?

Minor Nations Reborn is a complete overhaul of the generic focus tree designed to make progression feel both natural and fun, while retaining replayability via player choice. It is a complete reconstruction of what its predecessor (Minor Nations Revenge) sought to achieve allowing minor nations to develop into more powerful states, but unlike its predecessor it gives a better sense of progression through steady build up as opposed to an instant explosion of power.

Minor Nations Reborn is designed to last. Unlike its predecessor which altered a wealth of different game files- Minor Nations Reborn is increadibly non-invasive, maximizing both its compatibility with other mods and its compatibility with new major updates.


Brand New Generic Focus Tree Including-

Political Branch - 49 Focuses

Military Branch - 45 Focuses

Industrial & Economic Branch - 35 Focuses

Puppet Branch - 31 Focuses

Stub Focus Paths for-


Caucus Nations (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan)

Middle Eastern Nations

...and many more soon!

Focus Total Comparison-

Minor Nations Reborn Generic Tree - 160 Focuses (not including stubs)

Paradox Generic Tree - 56 Focues

If you feel there are any major balancing problems, or you encounter a bug please voice your issue in its respective 

This mod was made with DLC in mind. It functions without DLC, but may not function to its fullest extent.

WARNING!!! - I don't own or create this mod. If you're the original mod author and you want this taken down

vv7 - Released 2022-03-18
Fixed the version number. "Whoops All Generic" decision fixed for real this time I promise.
vv6 - Released 2022-03-06
vv5 - Released 2022-02-26
The last of the balancing series of updates - Rebalanced this, fixed that, etc.
vv4 - Released 2022-02-18
- Corrected the version number (thanks Paradox)
vv3 - Released 2022-02-15
- Now works with the "Historic Focuses" game rule - Fixed the "Whoops All Generic" game rule - Fixed multiple localization issues
vv2 - Released 2022-02-11
Update 1.0.1 Balance Changes: Reduced factories from focuses "Issue Industrial Subsides", "Invest in the Civilian Sector", and "Influential Investors" (Sorry Democratic players but your part of the focus tree was really unbalanced when it came to industry, don't worry I'll find a way to make it up to you) The idea "Restoration" now gives Political Power gain instead of reducing Consumer Goods. The idea "Expanding Trade" now starts with no Consumer Goods reduction, and gains a -5% reduction when it is upgraded into "Extensive Trade". The ideas "Expanding Trade" and "Extensive Trade" have had their Trade Opinion Factor and Control Trade Mission Factor reduced. The idea "Influential Investors" now grants Infrastructure and Railway construction speed instead of reducing Consumer Goods. The idea "Militarized Police" now grants a Required Garrison reduction instead of increasing Stability. The idea "Societal Corporatism" now grants Military Factory construction speed instead of reducing Consumer Goods. The idea "Five Year Plan" now reduces mobilization speed as to reflect the fact that the nation is gearing all of it's resources towards industrial expansion. The ideas "Fan the Flame of Militarism" and "Build a Red Army" have had their Conscription Percentage slightly increased. The idea "Politicized Education" no longer increases Political Power gain, but instead reduces War Goal Justification Time. (I felt as though it was more fitting) The following Focuses have had their Completion Time reduced: Organization of the State (effect has been reduced as well) Collectivism Individualism Artillery Modernization Small Arms Development Economic Model New Communicative Mediums Electronic Advancements Bug Fixes: Nations with focus trees now always get their focus trees back after civil wars. You should now no longer be able to gain factories from trading with your puppets. Liberia is now able to seek axis alignment, before this was impossible as the focus demanded completion of two mutually exclusive focuses. (whoops) Multiple localization corrections. New Additions: Decision that switches every nation's focus tree to the generic one (may cause massive instability, I did this because I thought it would be an amusing addition, not as a serious part of the mod) In order to enable the decision to switch all focus trees to the generic one there is a game rule that must be set


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