The Agency





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Current Version 1.3
I was never really happy with how the espionage system turned out. Always seamed it lacked effectiveness, too much effort for too little gain. Always seemed the limited number of operatives available, the crippling effect of having one captured or injured early on, and the grueling work needed to build an agency in any way worthwhile, made the 'Spy' system for HOI4 come across as 'Lackluster.'

This mod is a major re-write of the espionage system. An attempt to make Espionage something more than a 'Trivial Waste" or a 'Useless Time Sink.' That said, allot of effort was put into making these changes balanced and fair, nothing should be too overpowered and the AI has also been modded to use the new agency system effectively.


New Traits
Operative Traits

“Revolutionary” - Boost Ideology, Stage Coup, & Prepare Collaboration, Effects +25%
“Insurgent” - Sabotage, Strengthen Resistance, & Resistance Contacts (Risk, Cost, & Efficiency all +/-15%
“Web of Lies” - Intel Network Strength Gain Factor +30%
“Spyhunter” - Operative Capture/Detection & intel Network Gain +/- 10%
“Scientist” - Capture Cipher & Steal Blueprint (Risk & Effectiveness) +/- 15%
“Linguist” - The vanilla trait is fixed and now works properly
New Political Adviser Traits

20 new espionage, resistance, and special operations themed advisers have been added, several with new traits.

“Spy Hunter” - (UK only) enemy operative detection/capture/intel extraction rate +15%
“Spymaster” - (Turkey and All Majors except USA ) enemy operative detection/capture/intel extraction rate +15%
“Spec-Ops Instructor” - (UK only) Spec-Ops Attack +10%, Spec-Ops Capacity and Operative Commando trait chance +20%
“Heart of Iron” - (GER only) various effects themed to fighting resistance and gaining more from conquered territory at the expense of stability and population. (it's possible some effects require the BoTB DLC to function)
“Sniper Adherent” - (for FIN & SOV) Army attack/defense & Spec-Ops attack/capacity +5%, Army Recon effect +15%
Agency Branch Upgrades Re-Work
The agency branches and upgrades have been completely redesigned from the ground up. Nearly everything has been changed. These changes include extensive AI weights to make computer controlled nations use the system intelligently

New Operations System
All existing operations have been redesigned. Costs and effectiveness of most have been reduced by 20~50% to balance the increased mission tempo against a larger pool of operatives. Additionally, most operations are now chained with other operations and upgrades. Agent Missions now require a fair amount of build up that, once done, can be done very frequently.

To perform an operation (such as sabotage, tech theft) the appropriate infiltration mission must first be completed. Each infiltration mission requires the appropriate Agency upgrade. While infiltration missions have a larger than normal time investment (~120 days on average) the subsequent ones, (fake intel, sabotage, etc...) average around ~45 days.

Additionally, the New and quick “Prep Sabotage Operation” needs to be complete to perform any sabotage. And sabotage operations (with one exception) no longer remove branch infiltration.

Other Changes
An additional operative slot is gained for every 4 agency upgrades to a max of 8.
Max number of operatives raised to 16, this number possible via Industry, Faction members, and advisors.
Max level of operatives raised from 2 to 5
Increased chances of new operatives starting with traits
“Regional Training Centers” now part of having an agency and no longer requires the “Local Training Centers” Upgrade.
Various Balance changes – reduced effectiveness of agent missions by between 10~30%
Strength of contribution operatives add when Stacked (working together) increased 10~20%
Operative XP gain +10~20%
Operatives now gain XP (a very small amount) from maintaining a quiet intel network
Base Network Strength Loss Rate Reduced by 10%
Slightly Increased the effectiveness of overlapping radar and wings of recon planes when accumulating Intel.
All Economy and Industry Laws now have an effect on Intel revealed to other nations.
Russian Localization
CSRZ's Realistic & Immersive Intelligence Agency Emblems. Has been fully integrated into this mod.
A “Foreign Assets” Tracking window added to keep track of infiltration assets. (Taken from the “Black Ice” mod)
Compatibility Mods
The Road to 56' is complete. The Steam version can be found at

Special Thanks
Donald Mc'D – Russian localization

CSRZ's - for allowing me to incorporate his mod "Realistic & Immersive Intelligence Agency Emblems." into "The Agency." wonderful work dude.

Several other members of the community that have offered help and support but wish to remain autonomous.

You guys are awesome, thank you.

Q & A
Q: "Can I use stuff in this mod in my own?"

   A: Sure! Be my guest. All I ask is that you 1. credit me in your mod and 2. send me a friend request, then Message me via Steam chat to let me know, I would love to see your work.

Q: "Will you be expanding this mod in the future?"

   A: This is basically done at this point. If new opportunities come by with future DLC or some other improvement strikes my fancy, I may come back to this. But other than general bug fixes and future DLC comparability updates, this should be the last content release.

Q: "Could you add *Insert Here" Feature?"

   A: Don't know. Make any suggestions in the discussion section below. If I spot one I like I just may do that.

v1.3 - Released 2021-03-20
tried to make the Paradox version actually look OK after being ported over from the steam one.


Hearts Of Iron IV

Hearts Of Iron IV

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