The Blursed Timeline PDX








NOTE: The mod is not guaranteed to work without every major DLC. It also is still in progress. Most notably the map is not yet fully finished in-game. You can find the planned map on our discord server.

Have you ever thought that it would be nice to have a memey and wacky mod, but make it actually kinda serious? Well, here you go. We offer wacky premises to various countries in this alternate world, but there is actual seriousness mixed in. We actively develop this mod and would love your contribution to it as well, be it joining our team or just rating it and sharing your enjoyment with others. Either way, we would love to have you try us out.

Our mod is still very much work in progress so the world is not completed yet and there is a big void of content. But we do have a few countries with content, some with quite the good ones. Feel free to try them out.

Also to note, we were previously on another workshop page, but we had to move here so that hopefully explains any strangeness.

But enough rambling, let us see what the current update has brought to you.

UPDATE 1.7: "Global Aviation"

- Full focus tree for Antarctica. A completely reworked generic focus tree. Using the generic economy and army foci, two political paths for the Kingdom of Germany. Germany also now starts in a six-way civil war.

- A new AU League of Nations mechanic! Several countries start out as members and the player can choose to initiate the process for becoming a member. Comes with several resolutions and the position of LoN president. Note that it is still in infancy so i would like some feedback. Also for now, the ai will not do any resolutions by itself, but it will vote in your resolutions.

- Several more minor changes like adding a new fun mechanic to the Democratic German Republic and a new monarchist path for France. Oh and also we have a new menu background!

- The map has been further improved, but it is not ready yet regrettably. We'll look into finishing the borders for 1.8

- Fixed several old bugs. Remember to report them on our discord server!

- And some more i guess, i need to make checklists of all this.

Please note that we do not appreciate our hard work being plagiarized so please do not do that. Not that i see any reason for you to copy us.


v1.7.2 - Released 2023-05-05

Actual 1.7.1

v1.7.1 - Released 2023-04-30


v1.7 - Released 2023-04-30



Hearts Of Iron IV

Hearts Of Iron IV

Full game