The New Order: Spirit of Spark TNO-SRC





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[h1] Thanks to the comrades in the test group for their vigorous testing, the April Fool’s Day special version has been updated! The official version 0.2 has entered the final polishing period and is expected to be updated in early or mid-April! The content goes all the way to the East Asian Liberation War and the establishment of the People's Republic of China. This update is a completely new reset version that is completely different from the 0.1demo. The structure, art, mechanics and gameplay of 0.2 are completely different from the old 0.1demo. The number of events is about 150-200, which is similar to the content of events in front-line countries. [/h1] ———————————————————————————————————————————— ———— [h1]Background introduction[/h1] “A single spark can start a prairie fire.” ——Mao Zedong The Soviet Union, the first socialist country and the heart of the world’s proletarian revolution, was poisoned by Bukharinism. The ferocious German fascism was crushed to pieces, and the black mist of fascism enveloped the entire Europe. Without the Soviet Union, the world's anti-fascist forces collapsed. The United States faced the attack of two fascist countries, and was concerned about one and the other. In China, the already severe situation of the Anti-Japanese War became even more severe due to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the constraints of the Chiang dynasty. The Japanese army was victorious in the Pacific battlefield and the Chinese battlefield, and its troops were approaching the heart of China. The prospects of the Anti-Japanese War became increasingly bleak. . Mao Zedong realized that the Anti-Japanese War would become a protracted people's war, a protracted war lasting ten or even twenty years. Facing the continuous offensives of the Japanese army, the Chinese revolution must temporarily avoid the sharp edge and place its hopes on the long-term resistance of the Chinese people. A leader later commented: "If Comrade Mao Zedong had not stood up to all odds...the revolution might have failed, and the Red Army would have been destroyed in Chongqing...Even Chairman Mao might have been killed by the Japanese like Chiang Kai-shek... On the city gate tower." The fire of revolution must exist in East Asia. Only by taking the revolutionary organs and masses away from the base areas in northern Shaanxi that are destined to fall, and moving the revolutionary heart of the Communist Party of China to a place where the Japanese troops cannot reach, can we In order to restore the country. This was the second fateful decision in the history of the Chinese revolution - the second Long March. "Since we can do it the first time, we can do it the second time." Mao Zedong said. Amidst the sound of Japanese artillery fire, the Red Army began to march westward and disappeared into the vast desert. They walked a long way, passing through the thin Hexi Corridor and the vast Qinghai Plateau, and arrived in Xinjiang, the most remote and most remote area in China. backward provinces. This place is beyond the reach of the Japanese army. The revolutionary fire survives here. This is not easy, because Xinjiang is a land torn apart by ethnic conflicts, religious conflicts and class struggles. A group of people with a thorough social How can revolutionaries who aim at revolution survive? The Red Army's answer to this is - revolution! Only by truly realizing the social revolution in Xinjiang, the Red Army, and the Chinese revolution can survive in Xinjiang. The Red Army began to maintain good relations with the local masses, allowing the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang to become literate, divide the land, dig canals, and set up industry. They overthrew the Landowners and serf owners liberated the serfs on the land and established autonomous Soviet communes one after another. The fire of revolution was burning in the remote northwest! Twenty years have passed. Instead of being swallowed up by the yellow sand, the Red Army has developed more firmly in Xinjiang. The formerly poor and backward Xinjiang has been reborn and become the birthplace of the revolution. The power of the Soviet area is growing day by day. At the same time, the once extremely powerful Japanese Empire is busy suppressing endless people's resistance, and is increasingly weakening under the iron-clad social laws. The so-called "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" not only fails to realize the Japanese The vaunted "co-prosperity of East Asia" has instead resulted in mass graves! The Co-Prosperity Sphere is nothing more than a tool used by the Japanese to exploit the East Asian people. Stocks are still rising and currencies are circulating non-stop on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. How long can this prosperous scene last? All of East Asia is working and living in the medieval way. The Chinese farmers who endured endless oppression and exploitation, the puppet Manchukuo workers who created the industrial miracle in East Asia and produced the best guns and machinery in the world but could only feed their bellies with inferior cornmeal cakes, protected the entire country with their lives. The food supply in East Asia and the Shanghai porters who witnessed the revelry and wealth in Shanghai but could only live in shabby huts like sardine cans were angered by all this and were furious, but the silent Red Army soldiers could still endure this. When will everything end? It will rain, the mother will get married, the liberation wave of the East Asian people is unstoppable, and the Japanese Empire's answer to this is bullets and tanks, all this is fashionable when the Japanese imperialist economy is in prosperity. It can be maintained, but once there is even a slight change in Japan's economy, all this will be like a long-awaited avalanche, tearing the entire Co-Prosperity Sphere and Japan's imperialist government into pieces. The crimes committed by the Japanese invaders are too numerous to describe! The Northwest Red Army will march eastward with a large number of volunteers to relieve the suffering of Guizhou! The hands are ticking, and the death knell of the Japanese Empire is about to ring. And the people of all East Asia will usher in their own freedom. "Get up! People who don't want to be slaves! Build our new Great Wall with our flesh and blood!" [h1]Module Features[/h1] This is a more rigorous [strike]TOUHOU based on the TNO background setting [/strike] Oriental Completion Mod, out of anger at the rough setting of the TNO official team in East Asia, especially the Chinese revolution, we rigorously discussed the new setting and the situation in East Asia, and combined all this with national policies. The way of decision-making system and events shows players that this East Asia will be more detailed than in the past and closer to the real East Asia. The protagonist is the Chinese Soviet Republic in Xinjiang. Players will have an immersive experience and feel the comeback of the Chinese revolution: As the first force to produce this mod, we designed a complete national policy tree and a complete set of decision-making systems for the Xinjiang Red Army. Paired with nearly 200 events (mostly in the form of small characters, realistic sketches, event chains, and news copywriting to enhance the sense of immersion), it gives players a complete plot experience and a better sense of immersion. More choices, resetting the entire East Asia: This module does not simply describe a linear story about the resurgence of the Chinese revolution and the liberation of the Chinese people, without more choices. Our copywriting team is committed to a rigorous setting basis. to provide players with more possibilities, so we designed a unique midnight mode that includes nearly a dozen forces throughout China. In this mode, players can play as the Shanghai Commune, Qiongya Guerrilla, Guangzhou National Government, Henan Daming The Empire, Shandong Marine Leader, and other forces with unique gameplay and characteristics can experience the process of the disintegration of the entire Co-Prosperity Sphere, and ultimately determine the future of China. (Note that the development of Midnight Mode has not yet been completed, please look forward to our future updates) Restart East Asia and explore more possibilities in history: Everyone hopes to read the story to the end, and so do we. We will not simply narrate the story together. The collapse of the glory circle will further create copywriting using the same participatory methods, such as event writing techniques such as the perspective of small characters, news bodies, and realistic line drawings. Even the future of the entire East Asia, for which we have designed dozens of large-scale event chains and resolutions, the picture of TNO East Asia will be available for you to experience! [h1]Other information[/h1] For updated content, please see the update record on the right. Special version for April Fool's Day: Qiao Dashu, Double Echo, youyatoua, MangoHi, Vorbeck.chiro .zhr, usklight Baiju, INDIRT, immortalwyy, NHI Lolicon, Gensokyo Social Democratic Labor Party AZZ, Odd, sk-fegelein In addition, we would like to thank the production team of "Light from Lake Baikal" who has been helping us in all aspects! Our brotherhood will never be broken! April Fool's Day special version network disk Shared from Baidu network disk super member V5 STEAM workshop failed to update due to upload failure [h1] New LEAK water group file is urgently needed Code artists and copywriters have joined, and they can join the private chat group to manage and participate in the production[/h1] [h1] Girls are being updated[/h1]


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