Sit Nomine Digna - The Rhodesia Mod





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This mod makes Rhodesia independent at the game start with a new colour, a focus tree, advisors, names and flags as well as Historical Leaders, accurate research and adding 9 new states with many new accurate provinces which all have cores, claims, victory points, manpower and buildings. There are also events and news reports.



Things coming in the future are:


  • Maybe Last-minute Content 
  • Fixed VP locations
  • Correct Localisation
  • Improved Accuracy 
  • Fewer Bugs
  • A Better Thumbnail
  • A Gallery
  • Hopefully Radio Station
  • Hopefully Settings
  • Hopefully Appearing on the Interesting Countries tab


Should be compatible with:


  • Any mods that don't add any new provinces or states to the map
  • Any mods that don't change the area where the original Rhodesia state was before MtG
  • Any mods that don't edit the ZIM tag
  • Any mods that don't use the same event id's
  • Any mods that don't put VP's in the same locations


v19 - Released 2023-11-11

Made The Bush War less painful and shortened most focuses with a bonus focus. Happy UDI Day!

v18 - Released 2023-10-23

Added A Mittleafrika and A non-African Communist Path as well as making British Liberation easier and more.

v17 - Released 2023-09-23

Added paths for Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, ZAPU and ZANU.

v16 - Released 2023-08-31

Changed how The Bush War and Monarchist Paths() work + added some more focuses.

v15 - Released 2023-07-28

Completed The Rest of The Bush War as well as more content for once you finish it.

v14 - Released 2023-06-30

Finished The Bush War (at least, the path where you try to escalate it).

v13 - Released 2023-05-29

Improved The Monarchist Path, made about Half of The Main Part of The Bush War and important a couple icons from Europa Universalis 4 for the Religion National Spirits.

v12 - Released 2023-04-22

Created The Monarchist Path.

v11 - Released 2023-03-26

Created 3 paths for staying loyal to Britain.

v10 - Released 2023-02-28

Wanted to put this one out yesterday but whatever. I added a couple new advisors and focuses as well as phase 1 of The Bush War which starts after the first focus on The White Side.

v9 - Released 2023-01-26

I fixed pretty much all the bugs - making The Portugal Path actually work and adding to but nerfing The Focus Tree.

v8 - Released 2022-12-23

For the December update, I added even more VPs and redistributed population proportionally to how it would have been historically. I also added many more events and expanded The Focus Tree again to have a bit more content for the UDI and Portugal Paths (but the former is pretty much unplayable and the latter is finished but I couldn't get the last focus to work for now - I'll fix it next update and I'll add more to it if I or somebody else think of it).

v7 - Released 2022-11-11

I had to get something out on Rhodesia day. I don't have much time on my hands these days so there isn't a lot of progress but you can see the beginnings of the UDI path(s), removed the claim on Nyasaland but gave Britain claims on all of Southern Rhodesia and I added a hell of a lot more VP's. They might clutter the screen a bit but if it's too annoying, comment and it will be gone in the December update (expect monthly updates until the mod is mostly done.

v6 - Released 2022-10-16

I made the mod work with By Blood Alone but there are still some things to work out.

v5 - Released 2022-09-27

Changed and added more stuff - notably half of the focus tree. I know it's incomplete but I really wanted to get something out before bBA.

v4 - Released 2022-08-01

I added the rest of the Research and made the event work as soon as you launch a new game, regardless of the start date.

v3 - Released 2022-07-21

I gave them South Africa's research and changed the ZIM country file a bit more.

v2 - Released 2022-06-23

I added the other leaders (I know that not all of them would be feasible and not all the pictures are from the time but I did my best to find potential people) as well as changed the Fascist flag & Fascist localisation + some provinces.


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