Russian Reichmach





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So I had an idea about creating a scenario in fashion. In this Scenario, Russia and Germany will switch places, in this alternative there will be the Russian Empire (Russian Reich) flag for it from below, and there will also be a German Commune. In this alternative, Alexey Nikolaevich in 1916 under attempts to restore order in the Moldavian Province, was killed by a Romanian Nationalist, the Russian Empire sent an ultimatum to Romania 1. Romanian Moldova is part of the Russian Empire 2. Romania pays reparations 3. Romania becomes a proektator of Russia. Romania refused, RI declared war on Romania after the GI stood up for protection of Romania in this alternative, it was less developed and was at development levels slightly higher than the Russian Empire in reality, and the Russian Empire in this alternative was Developed as a GI in reality, and it also did not sell Alaska. Serbia stood up for Russia, France stood up for the GI In this alternative, she entered into an alliance with the GI instead of the RI, Austria-Hungary sided with the RI. In 1916, the Russian Imperial Army captured 20% of Prussia, the GI captured Bohemia, and its troops approached Vienna, the Ottoman Empire and Britain sided with the GI. 1917 Vienna fell, the capital of Austria-Hungary was moved to Budapest, Alaska was occupied by Canada, the GI and RI front was transferred to trench warfare, RI troops approached Stanbul. In 1918, a coup took place in the GI. The Provisional Government overthrew Kaiser Wilhelm II, Budapest fell, Italy took sides Allies (alliance of Germany and its allies). 1919 RI spy Ernst Busch organizes a civil war in Germany, RI occupies East Prussia and creates the Kingdom of Prussia there, Britain intercepts an RI telegram about the Mexican invasion of the USA, the USA enters the war on the side of the Allies, Japan will annex Germany's colonies in China and Oceania, Japan will also send troops into the Kuril Islands, the Republic of Ingushetia is trying to take Stanbul and recapture the lands of Austria-Hungary before the arrival of American forces; this event will be called the Brusilov breakthrough, the Republic of Ingushetia failed to recapture the lands and is later knocked out to Galicia, the allies of the Republic of Ingushetia surrender , RI does the same and the Treaty of Versailles was signed (the conditions are almost the same as in reality, with the exception of one condition, Russia is deprived of Alaska, Little Russia, Poland, Finland, Belarus, the Baltic states, Turkestan, the Caucasus, Prussia and the Kuril Islands). The civil war was going on in Germany until 1921, and also lost to Poland, In favor of Poland, Germany lost 2/3 of Prussia in 1925, Ernst Thälmann became the leader of the German Commune, Events took place in Russia in the Weimer Republic in 1932, Konstantin Rodzaevsky came to power (alternative Hitler in Russia )and then the events of the fashion will begin in 1937. We will also correct the background a little in the future


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