National Defense University





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After the National Defense University is built, a certain amount of army experience can be consumed to strengthen army generals. Functions currently available: â‘  To improve the general level, the army experience consumed is the current general level × 20 â‘¡ To improve the general attributes (offense, defense, planning, logistics), the army experience consumed is the current general’s attribute level Traits (armor commander, infantry commander, etc.), the army experience consumed is the total number of traits of the current general × 15 â‘£ Some military-related decisions. â‘¤Add the function of treating generals. -----Update 2.23-------- â‘ The calculation formula of the triggering probability of the defeat system has been optimized. The probability of generals being captured or surrendering to the enemy in ordinary battles is greatly reduced, while the probability of generals losing consecutive battles or being annihilated increases. â‘¡ If you choose not to turn on the prisoner system at the beginning, you will no longer obtain any generals by defeating other countries. â‘¢Optimized the tendency of AI to release friendly generals-----12.30 update------ â‘ Optimized the code for the probability of generals being captured. Now the probability of generals being captured or surrendering to the enemy in normal battles is reduced. â‘¡ Optimized the weight of AI selection decision to avoid AI consuming too much pp. â‘¢ai will now exchange generals by itself. (You can only use the training system if you choose not to turn on the defeat system in the opening event. The × can be retired on the rightmost side of each general column in the training panel and prisoner management panel) -----12.17 update------ â‘  The experience required to improve the level and attributes of generals has been reduced. â‘¡ Added the decision to obtain additional army experience and navy experience. â‘¢The Naval Academy has been added, and generals can be trained like the army. â‘£The generals' defeat system has been added, and you can choose whether to turn it on at the beginning of the game. After turning it on, when a general is defeated in a war, there is a chance that one of the three effects - captured - killed in the line - surrendered to the enemy will be randomly triggered, and after conquering another country, he can obtain a certain proportion of the other country's generals. If you don't open it, you can get all the generals. There are four ways to rescue captured generals A: Exchange captured generals with other countries through diplomatic actions (AI does not agree by default) B: Exchange captured generals through spies (lower risk) C: Rescue generals through spies (higher risk) ) D: The general who defeated the captured general of our country can be persuaded to surrender after being captured (AI does not persuade to surrender by default) ⑤ After a country surrenders, the victorious country can obtain its entire navy


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