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English translation: (Most of the translations used machines) PRC reset mod, which strengthens the PRC while being as historically accurate as possible. The main contents are: 1. The pro-Soviet line, not the historical line, mainly simulates the line of giving up the path of independence and turning closer to the Soviet Union. It contains the national spirit of Sino-Soviet cooperation that can be upgraded, and has bonuses for both China and the Soviet Union. At the same time, when the Soviet Union reaches a certain number of factories, it can use some of the national policies related to industrial science and technology after the founding of the People's Republic of China in advance. 2. The autonomous line, the historical line, is more in line with history. In the later period, there are two routes: planned economy and market economy. At the same time, if the service manpower conditions are met, the national spirit related to the military combat effectiveness after the founding of the People's Republic of China can be used in advance. 3. The founding line, in one word, is strong. 4. Resistance Front, refer to the original content and slightly strengthen it. 5. Special resolutions: a. Land reform resolution, which can buff provinces; b. Industrialization transformation resolution, using another mod of mine you can spend money to build factories, change province types, etc. You can check the specific content in this mod (but please try not to open these two mods at the same time to prevent various errors); c. Unify China And the one-click vassal principal decision, refer to other boss's mod thank you very much, the decision to unify China can be changed It is convenient to unify China and eliminate the core of the original power. One-click vassalization of the principal. As the name suggests, it is a magical and outrageous decision. Directly vassal the principal unconditionally. Players who hope to reduce the difficulty can choose this option. (Refuse to race, start from meヾ(≧▽≦*)o) Finally, if you have any questions, please leave a message. (If you like this mod, please give it a like before leaving (✧◡✧)) Finally, I wish everyone a happy new year (๑•Ì€ã…‚•Ì)و✧ [h1] Updated [/h1] 2022/2/8 1. Added Yan’an The number of victory points to avoid various P-type bugs. 2. Adjusted the effects of some national policies and national spirit. 3. After weighing it, we decided to cancel the function of deleting all railways at the beginning. If someone needs this function, an additional mod can be added. 2022/2/7 1. The countries that have negotiated peace with Japan and made peace with Japan have been adjusted. Now, only those countries that are in the same camp as the country that initiated the resolution will make peace with Japan. 2. Fixed the bug that the Hundred Regiment Battle was not displayed. 2022/2/7 1. Some impassable lines have been modified in the Arunachal region. 2. The national policy "People's Republic of China" adds a new effect and can create a camp. If the archive has completed this national policy, there will also be a corresponding national policy in the upper left corner of the national policy tree that can trigger the effect. 3. The AI ​​behavior in the resolution "The Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation" has been modified. AI will no longer click on the resolution to obtain a pretext for war. 2022/2/6 1. The "Unification of China" resolution adds the function of integrating Tibet. 2. Added English translation version (mostly machine translation). 3. Adjusted some icons and fixed some bugs. A new decision "Land Reform" was added on 2022/2/5, which is unlocked by the national policy "Land Reform" and can add provincial buffs to the controlled provinces. 2022/2/4 1. Added CHI and PRC cores to the Arunachal region. 2. New effects of the "Chinese Dream" national policy: Unlock the "Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation" resolution. If you have a good relationship with the Soviet Union, you can take back Outer Mongolia at a certain price, and abolish various unequal treaties between China and Russia, such as the "Beijing Treaty" "Treaty of Aihun". 3. Improve the national policy of “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation”. 4. Added 50 naval experience to the national policy of "Establishing the Chinese Navy", and added 50 air force experience to the national policy of "Establishing the Chinese Air Force". 2022/2/4 1. Added the core of the Tibet region for the Republic of China (CHI) and the Communist Party of China (PRC), thus deleting the national policy of "requiring the submission of Tibet". However, the "People's Republic of China" can still trigger events requiring the submission of Tibet. 2. Modified the map of Kashmir region and added a new province "Eastern Kashmir" to make the map more reasonable. 3. Added a naval industrial line and an air force industrial line, both of which are unlocked after the "People's Republic of China" national policy. 2022/2/2 1. A national policy "Anti-Japanese Base Area Behind Enemy Lines" has been added to the Anti-Japanese Front, which will reduce a large amount of supply consumption when China is still territorially divided. (Subsequent updates may add the content of resistance behind enemy lines) 2. When Chinese forces are at war with Japan, if Japan is expelled from mainland China, it can use the resolution to negotiate peace with Japan, and Japan will return all territory and make peace with all forces. 3. New event: Requesting the surrender of Tibet. The "People's Republic of China" national policy will trigger this event. If the archive has completed this national policy, there will also be corresponding national policies in the upper right corner of the national policy tree that can be triggered.
v9 - Released 2022-02-08
v8 - Released 2022-02-05
v7 - Released 2022-02-05
v6 - Released 2022-02-03
v5 - Released 2022-02-02
v4 - Released 2022-02-02
v3 - Released 2022-01-31
v2 - Released 2022-01-31


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