Europe in Flames AGORA





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• Germany -The effects of Hitler's paranoia are temporarily reduced when the Führer Directive 21 mission is completed -Many advisor traits have been changed -Fixed an issue that caused the Rapid Militarisation law to be cancelled when Adolf Habsburg became leader -Fixed a bug where the country name was Militarism/Fan Prussian Militarism in neutral ideology -Göring, Revive Strasserism Front and Gather a coalition of Valksist and Falangist paths were edited -Underground Factories, Panzerwaffe, Build Up Panzer Divisions and Stay Cristian focuses buffed -Reduced the completion time of the initial ideological focuses, Standard Panzer, Abwehr, Form the Reichskommissariats focuses, except Legacy of Führer -True Vanguard and Islamism national spirit nerfed -Fixed focuses that built airfields in demilitarised zone -Your relationship now influences the acceptance chances of Austria in the Steel Investment in Austria focus -4 new starting generals added -SS vs Wehrmacht balance of power added -One of the initial national spirit removed and a new one added -Many gfx and localisations have been edited -New portraits of Erwin Rommel and Heinrich Himmler added -AI edited • France -Changed focus tree layout -Free France focuses reworked -Victors of the Great War national spirit has been nerfed and will no longer be removed after the outbreak of civil war -Complacent General Staff received a minimal debuff and requires 1 more focus to remove it -Aircraft variants unlocked at CAS Focus moved to the air force tree -Invest in China focus buffed -Fixed the problem of having 2 FRs in the Senate -Edited the national spirits of Vichy France -Fixed Army Reform focus being unlockable when changing Disjointed Government on Bonapartist path • Soviet Union -Fixed a bug that caused one of the requirements not to appear when forming Greater Russia -Five Year Plan national spirit nerfed -Industrial Modernization and Optimize Production Lines focuses buffed -A new general added • Italy -Added extra requirement to Culto del Duce focus -Navy advisor Carlo Bergamini nerfed -OTO Naval Guns focus nerfed • United Kingdom -Nepal and Bhutan will be independent if a civil war for independence breaks out with focus in India -Red Guards national spirit nerfed • Japan -Japanese Technocracy buffed -Red Brigades national spirit nerfed • Greece -Hellenic Army focus buffed -Venerate the Ancient Hellenes national spirit buffed • Sweden -Regulated completion times of Army focusses -More Seats for Democrats focus shortened • Turkey -Debt Council's debuff changed from -30% Military -10% Civilian to -25% Military -15% Civilian -Economy focus added to Fevzi Çakmak path • United States of America -Emergency Arms Deliveries decision buffed -Franklin D. Roosevelt portrait updated • China -Overclaim of Factions and Found the Northeast Development Agency focus buffed • Hungary -Fixed the problem of communist focuses overlapping with other focuses when going the kingdom path
• Romania -Local Development focus buffed • Brazil -Democratic path expanded • Uruguay (Rework) -New focuses • Azerbaijan -German Officers national spirit nerfed • Saudi Arabia & Yemen -Reformed Army national spirit balanced • Siam -Some bugs fixed • General -Daily base political power gain reduced from 3 to 2.5 (2 for Hist) -Floating Harbor buffed -Resistance increase in occupied territories buffed -Concentrated and Dispersed industry nerfed -Weather, very cold/hot region, snowy region and night debuffs increased -Minimally increased chance of losing equipment in Attrition -Fixed bug that allowed the Amphibious Drive module to be installed on every tank -Main Battle Tank can now be equipped with Amphibious Drive -Inter-War tanks optical upgrade removed and breakthrough values reduced -Inter-War Light, Inter-War Medium and Inter-War Heavy tank chassis nerfed -Heavy Tank production costs have been increased minimally at each level -Heavy and Super Heavy tank fuel consumption increased -Medium Tank, Heavy Tank and Super-Heavy Tank chassis armour increased (Inter-War and 43 Heavy not included) -Armour, Engine, Ventilation and optics upgrades of tanks minimally buffed -The xp cost of some tank parts has been changed and the optics upgrade no longer comes installed on the chassis -Amphibious Tractors and Mechanised production cost at each level increased by 4 -36 Anti-Tank nerfed -War Economy and Total Mobilisation now grant civilian debuff -Egalitarian, Stay at Home, Civilian Spendings, Army Financing and Quantity IV buffed -Resistance, Government Propaganda, Censorship, Companies Nationalisation and Quality V laws nerfed -War Bonds, Healthy and Loose laws balanced -Fixed a bug that caused text to appear yellow in the Greater Japan decision -Fixed a bug that caused some buffs to appear incorrectly in the National Ideas (Wheel) menu -Minor changes were made to the names and flags of many countries -Added missing continuous focus for Switzerland and Ethiopia -Balancing and adjustments have been made to the Hist MP setting (Too much)
v2.0 - Released 2023-09-29
• Germany -The effects of Hitler's paranoia are temporarily reduced when the Führer Directive 21 mission is completed -Many advisor traits have been changed -Fixed an issue that caused the Rapid Militarisation law to be cancelled when Adolf Habsburg became leader -Fixed a bug where the country name was Militarism/Fan Prussian Militarism in neutral ideology -Göring, Revive Strasserism Front and Gather a coalition of Valksist and Falangist paths were edited -Underground Factories, Panzerwaffe, Build Up Panzer Divisions and Stay Cristian focuses buffed -Reduced the completion time of the initial ideological focuses, Standard Panzer, Abwehr, Form the Reichskommissariats focuses, except Legacy of Führer -True Vanguard and Islamism national spirit nerfed -Fixed focuses that built airfields in demilitarised zone -Your relationship now influences the acceptance chances of Austria in the Steel Investment in Austria focus -4 new starting generals added -SS vs Wehrmacht balance of power added -One of the initial national spirit removed and a new one added -Many gfx and localisations have been edited -New portraits of Erwin Rommel and Heinrich Himmler added -AI edited • France -Changed focus tree layout -Free France focuses reworked -Victors of the Great War national spirit has been nerfed and will no longer be removed after the outbreak of civil war -Complacent General Staff received a minimal debuff and requires 1 more focus to remove it -Aircraft variants unlocked at CAS Focus moved to the air force tree -Invest in China focus buffed -Fixed the problem of having 2 FRs in the Senate -Edited the national spirits of Vichy France -Fixed Army Reform focus being unlockable when changing Disjointed Government on Bonapartist path • Soviet Union -Fixed a bug that caused one of the requirements not to appear when forming Greater Russia -Five Year Plan national spirit nerfed -Industrial Modernization and Optimize Production Lines focuses buffed -A new general added • Italy -Added extra requirement to Culto del Duce focus -Navy advisor Carlo Bergamini nerfed -OTO Naval Guns focus nerfed • United Kingdom -Nepal and Bhutan will be independent if a civil war for independence breaks out with focus in India -Red Guards national spirit nerfed • Japan -Japanese Technocracy buffed -Red Brigades national spirit nerfed • Greece -Hellenic Army focus buffed -Venerate the Ancient Hellenes national spirit buffed • Sweden -Regulated completion times of Army focusses -More Seats for Democrats focus shortened • Turkey -Debt Council's debuff changed from -30% Military -10% Civilian to -25% Military -15% Civilian -Economy focus added to Fevzi Çakmak path • United States of America -Emergency Arms Deliveries decision buffed -Franklin D. Roosevelt portrait updated • China -Overclaim of Factions and Found the Northeast Development Agency focus buffed • Hungary -Fixed the problem of communist focuses overlapping with other focuses when going the kingdom path • Romania -Local Development focus buffed • Brazil -Democratic path expanded • Uruguay (Rework) -New focuses • Azerbaijan -German Officers national spirit nerfed • Saudi Arabia & Yemen -Reformed Army national spirit balanced • Siam -Some bugs fixed • General -Daily base political power gain reduced from 3 to 2.5 (2 for Hist) -Floating Harbor buffed -Resistance increase in occupied territories buffed -Concentrated and Dispersed industry nerfed -Weather, very cold/hot region, snowy region and night debuffs increased -Minimally increased chance of losing equipment in Attrition -Fixed bug that allowed the Amphibious Drive module to be installed on every tank -Main Battle Tank can now be equipped with Amphibious Drive -Inter-War tanks optical upgrade removed and breakthrough values reduced -Inter-War Light, Inter-War Medium and Inter-War Heavy tank chassis nerfed -Heavy Tank production costs have been increased minimally at each level -Heavy and Super Heavy tank fuel consumption increased -Medium Tank, Heavy Tank and Super-Heavy Tank chassis armour increased (Inter-War and 43 Heavy not included) -Armour, Engine, Ventilation and optics upgrades of tanks minimally buffed -The xp cost of some tank parts has been changed and the optics upgrade no longer comes installed on the chassis -Amphibious Tractors and Mechanised production cost at each level increased by 4 -36 Anti-Tank nerfed -War Economy and Total Mobilisation now grant civilian debuff -Egalitarian, Stay at Home, Civilian Spendings, Army Financing and Quantity IV buffed -Resistance, Government Propaganda, Censorship, Companies Nationalisation and Quality V laws nerfed -War Bonds, Healthy and Loose laws balanced -Fixed a bug that caused text to appear yellow in the Greater Japan decision -Fixed a bug that caused some buffs to appear incorrectly in the National Ideas (Wheel) menu -Minor changes were made to the names and flags of many countries -Added missing continuous focus for Switzerland and Ethiopia -Balancing and adjustments have been made to the Hist MP setting (Too much)
v16 - Released 2023-04-11
v15 - Released 2023-04-09
v14 - Released 2023-04-08
v13 - Released 2023-04-08
v12 - Released 2023-04-08
v11 - Released 2023-03-19
v10 - Released 2023-03-17
v9 - Released 2023-03-16
v8 - Released 2023-03-15
v7 - Released 2022-12-07
v6 - Released 2022-12-02
v5 - Released 2022-11-23
v4 - Released 2022-11-16
v3 - Released 2022-11-08
v2 - Released 2022-11-08


Hearts Of Iron IV

Hearts Of Iron IV

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