Russia Reworked ParadoxPlaza (Official )Version





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3.0 Beta Version Out!
Contains WIP content and is subject to bugs.
Want to share your opinion on the current update? Participate in the Beta Survey (only recommended if you've played the new update).

Welcome to Russia Reworked! A full rework for the Soviet Union.

Version 3.0 is under production.

What is the mod about?

The mod gives the Soviet Union a whole new focus tree, events, decisions… A ton of things! The idea behind the mod is to allow diverse playthroughs with the Soviet Union while keeping up some balance.

Do you want to be part of the mod? Here's the Link to submit your own quote. We might add it to the mod if we like it!

The mod currently contains :
More than 600 focuses,
A bunch of political paths available, including a new ideology : Anarchism,
More than 1000 events,
More than 800 decisions,
Custom GUIs,
Custom and improved AIs,
Achievements (does not save between games due to limitations),
A focus tree for all the Russian States, and a unique focus tree for Ukraine,
Custom puppet types (requires Together for Victory),
Unique espionage operations (require La Resistance),
Easter eggs and hidden events,
A lot of new advisors, designers, generals and more,
Full English localization (with news events as well),
Unique game mechanics,
Custom nations and flags,
More than 30 country leaders,
And so much more..!

What is to come?
Priority : Anarchist Path : The Collapse (coming very soon)
AI Improvments & bug fixes
National Obligations
Lastly : Road to 56 compatibility

The Dev Team :
Yam (Dev),
Raider (Dev),
FacundoSim (GFX Artist),
Alexandr the BelSel (GFX Artist),
jΛk (GFX Artist),
Mashuu(GFX Artist).

Credits (assets used & people who helped) :
Pretty Focus Tree Screenshots Mod for better screenshots of the focus tree,
Каво? for the Russian localization and his precious help about Russian history,
DHero_GaMeR for the Russian localization,
Mr.ShadeO for the overall help and advice,
King George VI for helping with the English localization,
Vesel_ for the Chinese localization,
The Kaiserreich GFX Team for some portraits,
TheFlagandAnthemGuy for his Russian Fascist Flag,
LordDavid1996 for the Greater Russia flag,
Mashuu for the thumbnail and his precious help with GFX and beta testing,
Thetankman3 for some localisation,
xniqht for some icons,
One Eyed Dragon for some flags,
arctir for his feedback,
Everyone who helps with beta testing and bug reporting,
Everyone supporting and playing the mod!

Languages :
English (current),
Russian (Russian )
Chinese (Simplified Chinese) .
Want to translate the mod? Feel free to contact us!

Note that the other languages might not be up to date.

Find the mod on YouTube :
Gameplay video by iSorrowproductions,
Gameplay videos by Dimosa's Quest,
Gameplay videos by DShakey,
And more (sorry if we cannot link everyone here)!

Q&A :
Q : What can I do in the mod?
A : You can follow Stalin’s historical path (with many more options than in the base game), get Trotsky back and start a world revolution or simply restart the Russian Civil War and lead the Whites to victory! Everything is possible.

Q : Can I go non-communist?
A : YES! The alternative paths contain a lot of leaders, generals, game mechanics and so much more...

Q : Are the Communist paths outdated?
A : No! They have been updated to match to the current paths, using even a unique purge system. It may look small, but does not lack content!

Q : Do you need help? How can I help?
A : We do not need any specific help, but if we do, we'll most likely write it up there. You can join the discord to give suggestions about the mod or give your opinion in general.

Q : Will the mod be updated frequently?
A : Yes! Whenever a HOI4 update comes out or something needs to be changed, it will be done ASAP.

Q : Do I need any DLC to play this mod?
A : No, but some functionalities will not be able without DLCs. Despite that, the experience should be the same overall.

Q : Where do I report a bug?
A : Discord is the best place to report bugs. We will very rarely answer in the comment section. You also need to make sure you have no errors showing up in our custom bug reporting tool.

When reporting a bug :
Please, make sure of the following :

The bug has not been reported before,
The bug is caused/breaks something in OUR mod.
If the previous apply, tell us what the bug is, how did it happen, and what other mods you are using (please).

Prefer using Discord for reporting bug rather than the comment section.

Dev Notes :
The mod is NOT compatible with Road to 56, overhaul mods, or mods that modify Soviet files! It does NOT work with Expert AI (please stop asking). The mod is NOT supposed to be 100% historical in any way.

This mod has been developed for more than a year now, and we are happy with how far we got. We want to thank everyone who helped us, supported the mod, and everyone playing it. We could not have kept going without you guys.

The mod is NOT achievement compatible. The 1939 start date now works fine. The AI can play the Soviet Union, factors have been added, as well as an ai_strategy and AI behaviors (the AI can play any ideology).

Please do not :
Upload this mod as your own,
Use any asset from the mod without permission.
Remain calm and civil in the comment section. Constructive criticism is always appreciated over insults.

Our Other Mods

Check out our other mods as well!

Hearts of Malta
Better City Events
Steam Version

Enjoy our mod!

Sincerely, the Russia Reworked team.

v2 - Released 2021-12-27


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