The Ancient Fallen Empires:Belkan Arabia (Nanoha/Anime)





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"There was once an era where large-scale wars had came to plague the world. Which marked the end of the Ancient empire age. It has been millennia ever since and one wonders if we might recognize ourselves again. We are what's left of a legendary past and we will endure till the end itself and beyond!"-Unknown Belkan "What if you shoved a fallen empire into HOI4?"-Random quote This was once a personal mod of mine starring Finland and then sweden and eventually all of Scandinavia as a Fallen empire based on neptunia. But this has evolved to take place with Saudi Arabia becoming the final homeworld of the Belkans. It started out first as a national spirit and generic focus. then later with the help of edge modding (Goddamn it spaghetti code) and lots of reverse-engineering on Winter Wars and Dawn of Arabia now has its own unique focus tree and even a unique leader portrait shared by all 4 parties! This is based on Belka. The Empire from Magical Girl Lyrical nanoha with knightly values! *What if the idea of Fallen Empires were present in HOI4? *New National spirits as you go down the focus tree. eventually reaching a fraction of the power once wielded by Ancient Belka as a Hyperpower. *New Focus Tree based on reverse engineering Dawn of Arabia and Winter Wars. along with some of my own design added in! Spain's Collectivized Society and offmap factories plus the Number Seven Well discoveries await! *Resources at your state that will be enough. but will quickly run into supply issues as you expand your dockyards and your steel supply can't keep up! *Japanese Division Names and names for ships! *Olivie Sagebrecht is here! In the future she will have her own traits. Vivio as a puppet leader is also planned. *Guardians/Neutrality and Domination/Restore Ancient Belka Paths(Incomplete) *Start out with nothing but basic tech. and slowly work your way up! *Massive bonuses to your armies based on what type they are (Artillery has massive attack in exchange for bad defense. Infantry is well-rounded but still leans on attack due to the militaristic past of the Belka Empire.etc) *More planned! *A focus and decision that lets you activate the First Impact Event that destroyed Ancient Belka. What will it do? (TBD) Ancient Belka/Modern Belka: Belka once used to be an ancient and highly advanced civilization. Nothing can stand in their way... Not even the US. They come with a unique mindset that is reflected in their focus tree and technology. as well as planned anime portraits and a general later. *A bunch of ideas. spirits and offmap factories... all dedicated to being a fancy and ancient empire. *Start out with crippling ideas in the form of the Great Depression and Isolation. but the ability to rush your penalty-reducing focuses first of either look elsewhere toward your infrastructure *New armies at the start. as well as a veterans Great War Tank and cavalry division designed with Combat Width Redesigned in mind *You may be wondering why I chose Arabia? The answer is easy. you need to focus on both the Pacific and the Atlantic. Also in the future you will be offered to start with Colombia as a puppet. who will have their own nameset and Vivio as a puppet leader. Eventually. the map will be modified to let you have a pacific colony. *Choose your ideology. Your country will only follow you. Olivie Sagebrecht. as the most revered and the most wise and ancient of the Saint Kings who has seen the Mongol Conquests and the Civil war for Independence. Will you try to incorporate parts of Democracy into your rule? Will you believe in Anarcho-communism and attempt to use parts of its teachings? Fascism? Of will you stay a monarchist? Should you take your side with the Axis. the Allies or either become the final boss of the world? What's broken/doesn't work/To-do:Figure out a way to split Capital into 3 states and ultimately for 6 total megalpolises- with 3 states even modifying 56 slots to 100 still does not represent the danger of a awakened Ancient empire. if this is not done then offmap factories must be buffed massively to the point of 50 factories per focus Get event pictures and start events to work properly. as does tech sharing Get US oil agreement working. Also expand into several paths that let you team up with germany. UK. US. Japan. china or even russia and a few of the Dominions. adding a downgraded version of starting resources plus unlock 10 slots in several states Figure out a way to get Anarchist Spain collectivized society to be workable as economy law. meant for massive and drawn out wars with no need for war support and also blocks low stability or war support events at the cost of very high pp at 500. Also usable as bonus for target countries from oil agreement paths. Perhaps buff neutrality path with more than just slots and offmap factories Expand the Guardians (Neutrality) and Imperious (Restore Ancient Belka) Paths. Also, perhaps downgrade starting bonuses until you reach Old Belka Wakes Up (Revanchist fervor?) Figure out a way to get DPICM and MBT combat to upgrade all tanks rather than only affecting newly researched equipment as designer bonus. also applies to Camel and Horse Artillery with no 50% speed bonus and doubled breakthrough to cavalry in testing Add in Major country designers rather than generic ones. Also port over the advisors from Dawn of Arabia. Perhaps more starting tech like Early Destroyers. Early battleship. Early guns. Atomic tier 1. Experimental rockets and maybe rocket sites 1. Night vision 1. 3 starting levels in Mobile Warfare or Superior Firepower. Plan decision to puppet Colombia or the other south america countries. which will modify the lore and add unique focus tree and downgraded but still formidable FE ideas and starting resources as well as metropolises everywhere and several states being megalpolises. Focus tree will either have Oil or Steel discovery and obedience/patriation paths. as well as the danger of Belka issuing a A-802 to annex colombia (which will also add the states as cores). If decision is not taken at start. No bonuses but they will still retain the 71+M population and slots plus starting resources (Perhaps only 25%?) Also. If puppeted you will get Vivio Takamachi/Sagebrecht as country leader who has her own bonuses (See:Wallis) For easy mode. add cores to Peru for Colombia. Find a way to change party names at start and design color for Belka as a country. Also the ability to go to war over Panay or Rhineland and threaten germany or the axis to back down from Yugoslavia or Czechslovaika. also the ability to create faction with turkey if a soviet war happens. Volunteers at start of game fighting in Ethiopia Find a way to create the Derelict fleet of 8 early/1936 battlecruisers without unlocking tech (For now. use ic for 14 docks. 3-5 military. 15-24 civilian) Plan to become the Crisis Later with numerous bonuses and every country trying to destroy you The ability to gain cores on states though a process that is described as difficult and painful. 150pp and 90 days during peace and 300 pp during war plus 120 days. cost goes up if population exceeds 9 million Split up middle east states with Yemen and omen into 3 states. as well as set Iraq and Iran states into metropolises to mark them as being once part of Ancient Belka. making them more attractive for the Restore Belka paths Turn off Arabia unification decision and instead add the ability to restore Ancient Belka More unique starting generals and a Admiral. Perhaps make the focus tree stronger if there is no way to increase the amount of states beyond 3 (Such as 30 offmap factories. for example. of 8 for each type of factory to a total of 24 per Neutrality focus) Though a decision, Set off the event that caused the mysterious collapse of Belka. First Impact! This was created in 1.10.4. but it should work on newer versions. I may work on a version that doesn't use DLC stuff for compatibility. Lore in txt fil


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