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NOT YET COMPLETE AND NOT YET PLAYABLE This mod takes place in an alternate timeline where facist ideology has spread across the world and right wing radicalism grips the world. The major divergent events in this timeline take place from the far east in Japan. The Meiji Restoration was even more aggressive in westernization than in our timeline. Japan was fully westernized and going through early industrialization by the 1850s. The Japanese took an even more aggressive stance in the world and rapidly expanded. Attacking China and seizing treaty ports along with Taiwan. Parts of Vietnam, Sumatra, Siam, and Borneo were taken by the Japanese Empire. All of this took place in the 1800s. Meanwhile in Europe Prussia failed to form a united Germany after losing the Franco Prussian war and not consolidating the northern german states. Over time Bavaria grew in strength and formed the South German Union. The stage was set as the two Germans squared off over the next 60 years. Prussia after regrouping and increasing their economic gain with the help of the United Kingdom defeated the French to cease Alsace-Lorraine, and defeated the Russians in order to acquire Lithuania. Europe continued to not have any major upsets throughout the late 1800s. A small crises saw the liberation of Greater Catalonia from Spain The Great War History: The First Great War occurred and resulted in death and destruction to a level to which Europe had not seen before. Prussia and the South German Federation triggered the war with France, Russia, and The Austrains, joining the South Germans. Italy and the United Kingdom joined the Prussians. The War was fought between 1900 and 1905 The Great War ended in mostly a stalemate. The two Germanys signed a peace that saw no territory or money exchanged. Most of the war had been fought in the south thus the nation was devastated. With the two Germans ending their hostilities most other nations signed separate peace deals that saw little to no gains. Throughout europe, people were angry Within five years of the conclusion of the Great War the Second World War occurred. Although this war was smaller it was still fought on a grand scale. This War saw the same sides teaming up but Germany staying out of the war in its entirety. This war was mostly fought between the UK and France as they tried to assert dominance over colonial ventures. The War was fought between 1910 and 1918. The War saw a triumpfunt Britian assert her claims over India, Australia, and most importantly Africa. Although Europe was anxious for peace war would come to her borders one more time in a final third Great War. This war saw the weakened United States attempting to cling on to its weighing power in the world. The United States launched War Plan Red which was a invasion of Canada. As the United Kingdom and The United States, France saw this as an opportunity to quickly regain their lost African Land. After the Russian Fascist Revolution (known as the Iron Guard Revolution) took place in 1910, Russia was looking for a new way to show her strength. They seized on the chaos and invaded Austria Hungary, the Balkans, and Germany. Both Wars saw about five years of mostly stale war and in the end it was mostly a draw on all sides. The US gained some financial reparations, nothing too major, these reparations were used to legitimatize the Silver Legion. France was able to regain some of their land and Russia saw some finical reparations as well as oddly solidifying control over Finland in the process. This war started in 1925 and ended in 1930 Japanese History: Ten years before The Great War a devastating war took place in Asia. Japan attempted to attack the United Kingdom and the Dutch but was horribly defeated. After the war Japan was forced to disarm and as a result lost Siam, Vietnam, and all major Chinese territory. With no army to defend itself Japan fell to a bloody period of rebellion but as a result something incredible emerged. A democratic Japan, but this government would not last long at all. Kawamoto Sadao and his black armored army rose to prominence and promised to restore Japan’s glory. Kawamoto was not any normal dictator, the fervor he riled up and national zeal could only be described as facism. After consolidating power Kawamoto marched in a bloodless war against Korea completely annexing them. As the Great War raged Kawamoto regained Siam, Sumatra, and North Vietnam. He attacked Russia in order to raise his nation's prestige and standing. After the conclusion of the First Great War, which saw a great uptick in nationalist retoric and anger across Europe. Kawamoto Sadao began to have ideas that were bigger than restoring honor. He wished to spread his new found ideology across the globe. He sent agents to Russia, Southern Germany, and Italy. Within a year South Germany, Russia, and Italy had flipped either through revolution or election to Facism. The only country that wished to seek closer relations with Japan at that time was the South Germany Federation. As Europe was licking its wounds from war Japan attacked the United States and decisively defeated them. The United States Empire was “dismantled”. Overseas colonies were released and the western territory of the United States, California, Texas, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, Idaho, and Arizona were all released into four states. The United States was hurt but due to almost all of their industry being in the west it barely hurt their ability to wage war or recover. After this horrible defeat the United States had a bloody revolution that saw William Wallace lead the Silver Legion of the United States and overthrow the left leaning government. Throughout this time, Spain, Portugal, Catalonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, and Albania all fell to Facism. By 1920 the Prussian currency had collapsed due to hyperinflation and ideas of German unification were rampant. South Germany and Japan lead a small but bloody invasion of North Germany to unify the nation. Countries in Europe, many of whom were happy to have the NSDAP take over all of Germany, did not intervene out of fear of starting another Great War. In the year 1930 internal strife become too great for China and the nation devolved into a great warlord period. The Year is 1936 and the stage is set for another world war. Facist Nations despite holding three “internationals” have yet to come to any larger alliance. The United States hungers for its western territory. Japan wishes to seize on a weak China and assert its dominance fully in Asia. Germany looks aggressively towards new ideas such as lebensraum. The United Kingdom holds its empire together on a hair string as ideas such as civil rights and national liberty run rampant and along with having to fight off communist influences. France braces herself for another great conflict. Italy wants to fully unify and retake the Austrian land that is in Italy. Russia wishes to fully recover from war and industrialize to a level not yet seen in the world. The Balkans look to either eat each other alive or strike at Austria. Countries may join together or bold it alone.


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