Polandball Portraits Mod





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UPDATES ARE CURRENTLY SLOW BECAUSE IM BUSY WITH COLLEGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.6,7 UPDATE! 4 NEW POLISH PORTRAITS! NEW NATIONALI IDEOLOGY ICONS AND NEW LOADING SCREEN BACKGROUND! !!!!THIS MOD IS IRONMAN COMPATIBLE!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've drawn Polandball portraits as HOI4 portraits. And of course i'll be drawing even more portraits, but as of now i will be focusing on Russia, East Asia, Europe, and Southeast Asia Currently finished portraits and content: - Germany (Hitler, Wilhelm II, Goring, Himmler, Guderian, Rommel, Mackensen, Raeder, Saalwachter, Kesselring, von Rundstedt, von Manstein) - Italy (Mussolini, Badoglio, Balbo, Victor Emmanuel III, da Zara, de Bono, Messe, Graziani) - Japan (Hirohito) - Manchuria (Aisin Gioro Puyi, Aisin Gioro Xiqia, Yoshiko Kawashima) - Mengkukuo (Prince Demchugdongrub) - Slovakia (Tiso) - Romania (Tatarescu, Antonescu, Carol II, Codreanu, Calinescu, Macellariu, Racovita, Dumitrescu) - Hungary (Horthy, Otto Habsburg, Hindy, Czeydner) - UK (Churchill, Chamberlain, Baldwin) - USA (Roosevelt) - France (Daladier, Laval) - USSR (Stalin) - China (Chiang Kai-Shek) - Holland (Anton Mussert/Arthur Seyss-Inquart) - General Gouvernement (Hans Frank) - Czechoslovakia (Neurath, Benes) - Austria (Schussnigg) -Poland (Moscicki, Piasescki, Bermondt-Avalov, Anders) - Croatia (Pavelic) - Bulgaria (Lukov, Boris II) - Yugoslavia (Stojadinovic, Prince Paul, Tito, Polic, Gosnjak, Milutin Nedic) - Nationalist Spain (Mola, Nationalist Junta, Franco, De Rivera, Sanjurjo, Fal Conde, Javier I, Meziane, Blanco, Milan Astray) - Generic leader and general portraits - Generic unknown portraits - Loading screen wallpapers This mod will receive more updates, and i will continue to update this with even more content possibly in each week or several days. Thank you for all of your support, it has been amazingly nice. have a good look forward for more of my portraits, and possibly some easter eggs in the future. Wallpaper loading screen creddit to Time Traveller Jerrick, Hina, and Elio/Thelocalsmallartist, great artists that you should all follow fr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ/Frequently Asked Questions 1. "Will X country be added into the mod?" YES for God's sake drawing all of these one by one isnt exactly easy, and ive already put in some general content plan in the description, please read it before you ask any other question like this, because im not gonna bother answering anymore. There is a country request discussion too, specifically for countries that didnt participate in WW2, so if you want to know more stuff, just ask there. 2. "Will you make this mod compatible with bigger mods or alt history mods?" NO, and i dont plan to. i'd rather make a new mod specifically for those althist mods, eg. Red Flood, Kaiserredux, TNO, TWR, etc. 3. "Can you make this X portrait based on X person in real life but hes not ingame? NO, since that would mean that i need to dabble on the commons file making the mod ironman incompatible. 4. "Will X allied country or X axis country's alternate history path have a portrait?" YES, there will be portraits for the alternate history paths of the countries. safe to say if they have a portrait in-game, they'll more than likely is going to have a portrait for generals, admirals, and althist leaders, depending on wether or not they have recieved their update yet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT UPDATE WILL BE MAJOR AND CONTAINS OVER 42 PORTRAITS FOR THE AXIS! this is gonna take some time tho 1.2.6 33 PORTRAITS DONE AS PART OF THE 42 PORTRAITS! Planned Content: 1.2.0-1.2.7: Full Axis Content 1.2.8-1.2.9: Generic Generals Content 1.3.0-1.3.8: Full Allies Content (THIS INCLUDES POLAND AND THE COMINTERN) 1.3.9: Generic Admirals Content 1.4.0: Advisors and Spies Content 1.4.1-1.4.5: Non-WW2 Participants Content 1.4.6-???: Extra Content, Meme Content, et cetera.


v7 - Released 2022-10-10

v6 - Released 2022-10-10

v5 - Released 2022-10-09

v4 - Released 2022-07-04

v3 - Released 2022-04-20

v2 - Released 2022-04-20


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Hearts Of Iron IV

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