Kosaka’s personal Chineseization and modification





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For personal Chineseization and mod modification, please use it together with 52 Chineseization! Note that this mod cannot unlock Ironman achievements! -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Chinese content : China and warlords, Japan, Manchukuo, the United States, the Soviet Union, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, France, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Romania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, the Netherlands, Mexico, Afghanistan, Albania Names of army leaders, list of numbers, navy ship name pool, historical army numbers, historical navy ship names, general names, spy names. Note: 1. "?" will appear in the list of fish in the American ship name pool. This is because the word is not in the font. Because I really can't think of a substitute word, so I didn't change it, but the impact is not big. 2. Only the historical numbers and ship names of the 1936 script have been Chineseized, while the 1939 script has not been Chineseized. -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Modify content : Added generals (Added CCP and Chinese army generals and naval generals; Added Japanese naval general Chuichi Nagumo; Added some Italian army and naval generals; Added some Soviet naval generals;) Map modification (Added Chinese and naval generals for Tibet The core of the Communist Party of China, and assigned Asakchin to the Ali region) Historical troop modifications (increased the number of CCP army divisions at the beginning of 1936 to 9, and improved their training) Navy ship name pool modifications (modified China's Ship name pool, and added the Chinese Communist Party’s ship name pool) --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------- Other notes: I just felt awkward looking at the English names when playing, so I made this mod on a whim. Basically, I read a lot of information on the Chinese version of the major countries, but it's still a bit unfamiliar. I really can’t find the words, and the ship names and serial numbers of P Club should be in small languages ​​except English-speaking countries, which are not English anyway. However, I only know English (vomiting blood), so it is inevitable that there will be some mistakes, please forgive me. Moreover, the Chinese leader still needs to be found in the event file, so it may not be found completely, so bugs may occur. In addition, I tested it myself and there was no problem, except that the first loading may be slower. If there is a lag in the first loading, just turn off the game and start it again. If new bugs appear, it is recommended to close this mod first. As for subsequent updates in other countries, it will basically be left to chance.


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