Battle For Bosporus Türkiye Boost





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For those who want to make Turkey major in the new dlc. I changed the focus trees a little, mostly exaggerated the number of factories. You start better than Italy at the beginning. Of course, the reason I do this is to be more active with turkey at an early stage and to enjoy it. A little something has been changed with the population, you will need it if you go to war with the Germans at an early stage. Those who set up the mod think that they can easily challenge many major states, but if you make a mistake they will hit you on the head. Also, you will lose some time since you reach the factories from the focus points. What I Added to the Focus Tree: The principle of statism has become stronger, while it has no effect on stability or political points in the early stages, it affects political points etc. in the later stages. When you change the economic law in this mode, your political points and stability are lost, but you encounter my little gift :) There are various factories added to many focus areas. And you start the game with 4 research slots, not 3, and by the time you get the 5th slot, a lot of technology has already passed. Now, if you get it, you will continue as a solid major with 6 slots. If you go the center-right or left path, you can do good things with 5-year plan buffs. Features I'm thinking of adding: - Keeping Atatürk alive with events instead of playing on Atatürk's buffs and extending the time in the incoming yes. Of course, I don't want it to happen by pressing a single button. -I can go into commanders and add new commanders and edit existing ones. -I'm thinking of adding the EnverpaÅŸa road, but I haven't decided yet. These are my thoughts. Be sure to write down your suggestions. The reasonable ones will be added to the mod. The mod will be updated in a long time. Have a nice game...


v10 - Released 2021-02-08

v9 - Released 2021-02-08

v8 - Released 2021-02-08

v7 - Released 2021-02-08

v6 - Released 2021-02-08

v5 - Released 2021-01-29

v4 - Released 2021-01-29

v3 - Released 2021-01-29

v2 - Released 2021-01-28


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