New Austria Hungary





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The Mod focuses on what would world could look like if Austria-Hungary did not died after the Great War, this is my first mod so do not expect something crazy but it will be nice if this mod could get some attention, Thanks! MOD CONTAINS: 1. Fully playable nation of Austro-Hungarian Empire. 2. 3-path communist tree, you can attack neighbor and create your own faction, or side with Soviet Union and become loyal pupet or fight for your independence. 3. A fascist focus tree, you will repair your country and maybe (possibly) everyone will look like you are the second German Reich and after conquering what was lost you can focus on destroying allies or Soviet Union. 4. (Who did not expected that) Monarchist focus tree that let's you rebuild the Empire from the ashes, you can make Otto Von Habsburg to reconquer old lands or negotiate fair price for the land, after that you can ally germany or fight them. 5. Focus tree for industry, army and navy. If you want to support this mod just give it some love I would be very happy to see that this mod even got some attention. That's all, Thanks for reading! P.S. I will try to keep mod updated for some time.


v10 - Released 2022-06-06

v9 - Released 2022-06-06

v8 - Released 2022-06-06

v7 - Released 2022-06-06

v6 - Released 2022-06-06

v5 - Released 2022-06-05

v4 - Released 2022-06-05

v3 - Released 2022-06-05

v2 - Released 2022-06-05


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