Balanced Multiplayer WW2





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"Paukenschlag" - The Germans hunt the Allied convoys.

"National Committee for a Free Germany" - after the German defeats, the Soviets create an anti-fascist political organization from captured Germans to undermine the military spirit of the Wehrmacht.

"Full integration of the Czech MIC" - Germany integrates the Czech military-industrial complex into the Reich war machine. The Czech military industry is increased.

Rebalance of agency operations.

"Star and Jump" - The Soviets have ambitious plans to strike through Voroshilovgrad, Belgorod and Kharkov to the Dnieper. The Germans can counter this with "Kempf and Peiper" - an urgent redeployment from France, Rostov and Voroshilovgrad. The stakes are high, the rupture of the German front by the Soviets and the capture of a bridgehead across the Dnieper, or the Kharkov catastrophe.


The Allies do not open a Second Front. The Soviet government, not without reason, suspects the possibility of a separate peace in the West. The distrust is growing. In order to maintain the unity of the anti-Hitler coalition, the Allies must take actions that will reduce tension. Lend-lease from the USA to Britain, China, the USSR ("My neighbor's home catches fire", "Lend-Lease for the USSR"), strategic bombing of Germany ("Directive Pointblank", "Operation Gomorrah", "Eaker's plan"). Of course, Germany will have something to oppose to the Allies: "Kammhuber-Linie", "Wilde-Sau Night Hunting", "Flakturm". If the activity of the Allies satisfies the government of the USSR, then the Allies will have an important opportunity - "Stalin backs Overlord with a blow from the East". Useful will be "Operation Cobra", "Anvil-Dragoon". Of course, we have not forgotten the Soviet-German intelligence confrontation: "Rote Kapelle", "Funkabwehr".


The war between Japan and Nationalist China has been significantly changed. Now China must solve many domestic problems. China now has a power balance that determines whether the Chinese government considers the Japanese or the communists as its main enemy, this greatly affects the game. China also needs to counter separatism and capitulation. China has 11 new focuses.

Japan has new military operations and new leverage on the situation in China with 19 new focuses. Used the pictures of Sergey Larenkov.


The main features of the mod are more historicity compared to vanilla, better game balance, the ability to prevent snowball, so that both sides have the opportunity to turn the game around, even if any of them is rolling back on the fronts, even in 1945. Now a little more detail on how this works.

The productive abilities and sources of resources are close to real, which creates a huge advantage in favor of the anti-Hitler coalition, but this is offset by the fact that the British Empire and the United States have sharp ideological contradictions with the USSR, so they refrain from actions by large ground forces in Europe until Germany and the USSR enough weakened, or there is no risk of complete defeat of one of the key participants in the war. Under some conditions there is a risk of a separate peace between the Anglo-American coalition and the Axis. Therefore, it is not enough for the USSR to survive and then simply defeat Germany, it is important at the final stage to conduct a better blitzkrieg than the Germans in 1941, despite some military trump cards that the Germans will have at the final stage. Japan will be another important hotbed of war, it will pose a constant threat to the Soviets, and they will need to make efforts to counter it. The role of the Chinese military theater has increased. Japan itself needs to take care of the balance of forces at sea and on land. Under some conditions, the necessity for the US of Soviet ground forces against Japan may interfere with a separate peace. New key political, economic, military focuses are unlocked by triggering certain dates or conditions, which will help more skilled players to either crush the enemy or snatch the initiative. The illogical principle of "the value of merit in the war" in vanilla is replaced by the real principle of the balance of forces and interests.

This mod is made for multiplayer with rules close to history, with improved game balance and more historical realism compared to the vanilla version. Our goal is competitive games in an internationational multiplayer, where in the role of each country there will be players from this country.

You can find a detailed list of changes in the last message in the "multiplayer rules" section on this server.


v3 - Released 2023-03-18

v2 - Released 2023-03-18


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