Ukrainian State / Ukrainian state





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Release 1.3 "Voice of the unconquered" / Release 1.3 "Voice of the unconquered"

Localizations / Localizations:

  •  English — partial
  • Russian - complete

Alternative-historical mode, adding to play independent Ukraine with P. Skoropadsky as leader in 1936 year. Features:

  •  historical parties, leaders and commanders with portraits;
  • added 160+ national focuses, 370+ events, 180+ decisions, dozens of national spirits, advisors and manufacturers for Ukrainian State;
  • integration with other countries: added focuses for USSR, Third Reich, France, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Hungaria and Poland, changed realisation of Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact;
  • new southern neighbor — White Crimea under the leadership of Wrangel; [*] added new regions and other details on map.
  • worked out many Ukrainian ethnic lands (Western Ukraine, Kuban, Transcarpathia, Green Ukraine).

An alternative history mod that adds independent Ukraine to the game under the leadership of Pavel Skoropadsky in 1936. The Ukrainian state survived and defended its independence from Soviet Russia in 1917-1920. and now the situation in the region looks completely different. The player will have a choice of how Ukraine will move forward: carry out socialist reforms and reconcile with the USSR, become a stronghold of democracy in Eastern Europe, enter into an alliance with Poland, maintain the power of the hetman and create its own defense alliance from neutral countries in the region, or lead to the power of the nationalists and engage in the aggressive collection of all Ukrainian lands.

Features of the mod:

  • historical parties, leaders and military commanders with portraits;
  • many ways to develop history, for which a tree of national focuses with approximately 160 elements, dozens of national spirits, advisers and design bureaus, about 370 new events and 180 decisions have been added;
  • integration with other states: added focuses to the USSR, the Third Reich, France, Poland, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Romania, the implementation of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was redone;
  • also, in addition to Ukraine, an independent Crimea has been added, where after the defeat in the civil war the White Guards led by Wrangel took refuge;
  • new regions and some smaller map details have been added, Soviet toponyms of cities and regions have been replaced;
  • many Ukrainian ethnic lands outside the original territory have been explored (Western Ukraine, Transcarpathia, Kuban, Green Klin). Transcarpathia and Western Ukraine have their own small focus trees.


v2 - Released 2020-10-18


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