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+Easy Buff 1.13

23.10.10 update tag to 1.13

# Features:

* For Single Players (Useable in Muti when others also use this mod). 

* No steam archievements.


## Modifier Buffs

* Open Buffs in National Ideas.

* Support different level Modifiers in Construction, Research Speed, Politics, Production, Land, Navy and Air.


## Cheat Events

* Open Cheat Menu in: 1. Country Ideas. 2. Event


Type of event as follows


1. Buildings

1. Get Buildings immediately: Infrasturcture, Anti-Air, Radar, Air Base.

2. Get Forgein Factories which is not on map and does not base on domain at all. (Industrial Complexes or Army Factories.)

3. Open more Building Slots

2. Resources

* Add Resources in Controlled states.

3. Technologies

1. Get Bicycle Technology or remove it.

2. Get some late-game technologies immediately.

4. Equipments

1. Get Basic Equipments Immediately. [b] !!! All Equipment needs the technology had been researched. !!! [/b] Or the event does not give you Eq.

2. Infantry, Support, Artillery, Motorized, Mechanized, Motorized Rocket, Modern Tank Artillery.

3. Bomber, Jet Bomber, Transport, Jet Fighter, CV CAS 3

5. Points and Experiments

1. Army, Navy, Air Experience.

2. Political Power.

3. Man Power.

4. Command Power.

5. Stability.

6. War Support.

7. Increase or Decrease Threat.

6. Faction and Parties

1. Exit Faction

2. Join Faction

3. Force Enemy Exit Faction

4. Disband Faction

7. Cores and Domains

1. Force All to Discard Cores: Force every country discard their core and claim on your core states.

2. Make Controlled to Cores: Make all controlled and claimed states as your core states.

3. Lose Cores: Discard your cores which is under control of other countries.

4. Get Control of Core States

5. Get Control of Neighbor States

6. Puppet Country

7. Set Capital

8. White Peace

 8. Static Modifiers

1. Some single modifiers.

 9. Leaders

1. Just a trial at present.

2. Add traits to leaders immediately.



v3 - Released 2023-10-10

v2 - Released 2022-09-28


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Hearts Of Iron IV

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