Basileía to Romaíon for Empire





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Basileía ton Romaíon for KR Kaiserreich. (Translation of Medieval Byzantine Greek meaning Empire of the Romans) Beta 0.5.3 Welcome to Basileía ton Romaíon, a new alternative ... alternative history scenario for the world of Kaiserreich! Challenging new scenario where you take the reigns as Basileus Geórgios II. You begin the game in a strong but precarious position. The Weltkrieg saw us on the loosing side against Germany, Austrian and Persia. The German alliance instigated large scale rebellions in the Balkans and a successful Jihad in the east. We signed a separate armistice to prevent complete economic/social ruin. The humiliating peace treaty that followed forced us to give up large amounts of the Balkans to the newly created national states of Bulgaria, Albania and in the East to Persia and and Egypt. Features include but not limited too: - New Byzantium inspired music. - New Byzantine loading screens. - New models for infantry, vehicles, tanks, planes and ships. - New Exarchate and Themata vassal state types. - Decisions to change your flag over a dozen different byzantine themed flags to choose from. - Nearly all units, planes, ships and associated equipment have been given unique names inspired from ERE/Byzantine history. - All nations in the eastern Mediterranean start with stronger militarizes and economies and have had their AI greatly improved. -New events and decisions. -National focus still a work in progress but it functions. -No free cores! I hate free cores!, there is costly tiered decisions to begin a long process of coring which causes up to a year or more of increased resistances in the area your attempting to core. These decesions are currently available for Bulgaria and the Levant. - You can set up new Exarachate puppets on some conquests. If you enjoy please favorite and thumb up. #Kaiserreich #Byzantium #Byzantine #Eastern Roman Empire *** I use lots of the features from Man the Guns and La resistance in the mod. Mod should run without them BUT you would be missing out on a lot of the features i put in there. *** I am not a native Greek speaker. The names I use for every thing are inspired by Medieval Byzantine Greek some items I had to use Google translate for and then try and change the word pattern to how i think it would of been spelled in Medieval Greek. (If Medieval Greek used the Latin Alphabet. ) as such I am trying my best to make a mod I find fun and immersive. *** Those that hate Byzantium and all things Byzantine don't worry I won't force you to play my mod. Have a great day anyway though. Thank you


v36 - Released 2021-10-21

v35 - Released 2021-10-19

v34 - Released 2021-10-19

v33 - Released 2021-10-16

v32 - Released 2021-10-16

v31 - Released 2021-10-13

v30 - Released 2021-10-08

v29 - Released 2021-10-06

v28 - Released 2021-10-06

v27 - Released 2021-10-05

v26 - Released 2021-10-03

v25 - Released 2021-10-01

v24 - Released 2021-09-30

v23 - Released 2021-08-05

v22 - Released 2021-08-05

v21 - Released 2021-08-03

v20 - Released 2021-08-03

v19 - Released 2020-11-28

v18 - Released 2020-11-28

v17 - Released 2020-11-25

v16 - Released 2020-11-20

v15 - Released 2020-11-19

v14 - Released 2020-11-18

v13 - Released 2020-11-18

v12 - Released 2020-11-12

v11 - Released 2020-11-12

v10 - Released 2020-11-11

v9 - Released 2020-11-09

v8 - Released 2020-11-08

v7 - Released 2020-11-08

v6 - Released 2020-11-07

v5 - Released 2020-11-04

v4 - Released 2020-11-02

v3 - Released 2020-10-29

v2 - Released 2020-10-25


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