Cold War: The Death of Hope





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Cold War: Hope of Death follows the premise of the 70's after a Victory by Axis forces during World War II. In the 1932 Election in the United States, the Republican Party nominated Charles Lindbergh on the basis of peace and recovery through the Market. The Democratic Party under Franklin D. Roosevelt ran a disasterous campaign after a Presidential Debate. Charles Lindbergh was able to exploit the Red Scare that took place 10 years prior and called Roosevelt "A Communist disguised as an American." These words were swept up by the American Public and led to the moderate wing of the Democratic Party join the Republic Party or leave Politics all together. After months of campaining, the radio crackled to life. A voice spoke... "We congradulate President-Elect Roosevelt!" With this, the American Public though Charles Lindbergh had lost but hours later, it had been announced that the election was contested. Both Lindbergh and Roosevelt had gained the same amount of votes within the Electoral College. A greuling process of recounting votes took weeks. After all, the true President turned out to be Charles Lindbergh. Within the first weeks of office, reform after reform was implemented. This was not the New Deal. This was instead the Patriot Act. After 3 years of Lindbergh Presidency, the country had slowly recovered. Jobs came back, poverety decreased, peace was achieved. Later that year in September, war broke out in Europe. Germany and France were at each other's throats. Lindbergh made the decision to remain totally neutral in the foreign affair. British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill called Lindbergh trying to get America to join the war. Lindbergh stated, "I'm sorry, Winston. We Americans must focus on our people. I wish you and Germany see peace as a viable option." The phone hanged up. France, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Poland were all swept in a wave of destruction. German Panzers storming the countryside is just one of a couple of images held by the American People. Anglo-Americans like William Dudley Pedly had sucessfully swayed the American Opinion of Britain. Images of brutality within British-India were on the front covers. The German Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler had taken out all the enemies in Mainland Europe except one... the golliath of the Soviet Union stood strong. Negotiations between German and Turkish Diplomats allowed for an agreement. Turkey had joined the Axis in return for desired lands. The small garrisons in the Middle East were destroyed by German Panzers alongside Turkish Infantry racing through the deserts. Syria fell with days, Iraq declared independence, and Palistine had been burned to the ground. British forces within Egypt risked encirclement between two flanks. A desperate retreat at the Suez was replicated like that of Calais. Before they knew it, German Armored Units had broken through the unorganized defenses. Out of the chaos, Key British Officials were captured. In Cairo, documents were burnt but many were captured before such actions could continue. King Farouk of Egypt announced, "We thank our Italian and German Liberators for clearing the British Imperials from our land. Long live Egypt and the people!" The RAF in Britain had held the line against German Bombers but at a heavy cost. The industrial powerhouse that was Britain became a nation in shambles. Hitler dismissed the idea of bombing Civilian Keypoints and instead, keep the focus on removing the industrial capabilities. The Blitz destroyed Britain rendering their naval and military capabilities useless. On August 15th, 1941, The Reich had launched it's grand offensive into the Soviet Union codenamed Operation Barbarossa. Wehrmacht Infantry alongside armored units smashed Sovirt Defenses. Within weeks, the Wehrmacht advances hundreds of miles. In Turkey, an offensive was launched through Iran. The attack led to a route to Baku. Bad logistics and some mountainous terrain led to the usage of railroads being rather useless. This fact did not disrupt the way to Baku and it was captured soon after the oil fields were burned to the ground. Hitler and the OKW had disagreed on the direction of the attack. Hitler was able to manage a case against the direction of Moscow and instead, focus on the breadbasket of Ukraine alongside the plentiful oilfields of Baku. The Soviet Warmachine had lost it's access to oil and much of it's food production. 90% of oil production of the Soviet Union was in the hands of the Reich. This prevented major offenses and led to the Soviet Front in the South to collapse. The vital railway junctions of Astrakan and Statingrad has fell. The Red Army was in the verge of collapse and the Wehrmacht was less than 100 miles away fron Moscow. The winter soon came and the Wehrmacht's Offensives grounded to a halt. The Soviet Airforce had virtually no oil to operate. Germany held airial superiority over the stretches of Russia. Rebellion was rampant in occupied territory which led to the implementation of Reichkommissariats: Occupied lands that were managed by both local and German Command. Resistance went down significantly as local governments created defense forces that fought against the partisan threat. Back in the United States, the economy had virtually recovered to pre-depression levels. The Gold Standard had been kept and a balanced approch was implemented to combat unemployment. Japan had beem at war with China for years and it had led to a stalemate. After the winter, Germany launched a secpnd assault leading to a Rebellion from bitter Soviet Armies. Joseph Stalin fled from Moscow, moving the provisional capital to Kazan. The frontlines of the Red Army became unstable and retreated beyond Moscow, leaving it to the German Captors. " Unser Blutvergießen wird nicht vergessen, mein Volk. Der Osten ist zusammengebrochen und wir haben gewonnen!" Those were the words uttered by the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler. Over the course of 5 years, the Kriegsmarine had gained the strength to go head-to-head with the Royal Navy. After a decisive blow, German Spearheads were established on English Shores. Weeks later, London had fallen. The RAF held on to it's remaining forces and moved the British Government to Canada where it would remain there for decades. The United States was under a new administation. Henry Wallace had fixed the mistakes of the previous government and wished to join the war but... it was too late. Congress was solidly Anti-War and Pearl Harbor had not been attacked. It has been 23 years since those events transpired and you must decide the fate of the world


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