[ARABIC] Red Banners: The Future Of Yemen: Arabic





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Hoi 4 Red Flags: The Future of Yemen


Red Flags is a Hearts of Iron 4 game that aims to completely rejuvenate Yemen. There are more than 250 focal points for Yemen, in addition to a large number of decisions, events and characters. This ensures that the situation is not dull because there is always something interesting or delicious to do. Furthermore, although this mode makes Yemen easier to play, it is not overpowered by being too stupid or too angry.


Since this is a new mod, it is normal that there are some bugs that may remain, so reporting them in the comments will help improve the mod and improve players' experience.


Features and mechanics


The Islamic path (fascism)


They deposed the Imam in a coup, and united Arabia under the Yemeni banner. Rapidly modernize and militarize the nation. Prepare for an inevitable war against most of the countries of the world in the name of God.


- More than 200 political, industrial, and military hotspots.

- Events and decisions to crush opposition to your rule.

- Decisions to make God the master of your country, and create unique special forces units.

- Decisions to manage Arab lands after annexation, such as building public services, developing industry, and exploring for natural resources.

- Decisions to create universities that award unique rates based on what is chosen.

- Decisions to deal with the occupation of Europe by choosing between strengthening compliance or crushing resistance.


Socialist path (communism)


Seizing power after a violent civil war between republicans and royalists. Implementing strict nationalization policies, in addition to a five-year reconstruction plan. Expel the backward monarchies from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman.


- Decisions to build a Soviet-style five-year plan.

- Liberate the workers of the Arabian Peninsula.

- He joined the Comintern and helped the Soviet Union on the Eastern Front.


Republican track (Democrat)


- Bringing about a revolution in the unrest that followed the assassination of Imam Yahya. After victory, he focused on bringing Western ideals of freedom, democracy, and capitalism to Yemen.


- Creating a balanced economy with socialist and capitalist policies.

- Decisions that allow you to open Yemeni markets and trade with the West.

-Join the allies.


Royal Path (Neutrality)


Start improving Yemen during the reign of Imam Yahya. After the bloody turmoil that followed his assassination, he dealt with the power struggles in the House of Al-Rashid. Revenge for the loss of Yemen against the Saudis in 1934 during the reign of the new king.


- Partial modernization of the nation during the era of Imam Yahya.

- Ensuring the destruction of Yemeni traitors, whatever their ideology.

- Settlement of old grievances between Al Saud and Rashid.


Future plans


- Expansion of the OEC (Office for European Cooperation), including internal conflict and balance of power events.

- Adding more details to the historical aspect of the tree.

- A special section for developing and implementing war plans designed for specific countries.

- Focus tree for Yemeni dolls.


Hearts Of Iron IV

Hearts Of Iron IV

Full game