The Finest Basement (TFB)





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**NOW BBA COMPATIBLE** A variation of the original TFB (The Finest Bruh) adapted to the basement games. It's not meant to be balanced, but more enjoyable for regulars of historical games. Special thanks to ThatGuyFromCollege for allowing us to use his mod. Mod right now would not be possible if not for the work of previous mod leads Cho King and Loweee. RIP Swimmy. Huge thanks to Peef and Spitfire for their blood, sweat, and tears to make this mod. Also credit to: Machotacoman, Colonial Rebel and the rest of the blackice team: Focus, idea and equipment gfx Hearts of Oak Team: Focus and idea gfx. Lennard for the resource topbar mod. Big thank you to Packer for his work in bringing Siam tree to life. Soviet portraits reworked for a great resource of period correct portraits. Battlesound for some excellent soundfiles. Modifier Icons for their beautiful icons that make the UI look so much better. Also thanks to lennard and the horstorical devs for their amazing host tool. Other mods used: Major Changes** Romania: -Heavy anti-tank bonus in focus “Acquire Modern Tanks” -Removed air and communist focuses -Focus “King Michael’s Coup” now under focuses “ All parties must end” and “ Force Abdication -Updated focus “expand greater Romanian” path making it playable with buffs Spain: -Buffed the focus “The Plan Imperial” (-20% ic for bb’s and bc’s) spirit will expire upon reaching 50ships -Italian Shipbuilding Expertise now gives a Italian Littorio Class variante United Kingdom : -Focus “Modern Fighter Designs” now gives half a year ahead of time penalty reduction instead of 1 Germany: -Focus “Defend Berlin” gives general “Felix Steiner” 2attack 3planning and 2 skill and the spirit “Armeeabteilung Steiner” which grants “division attack on core territory +15% divison defense on core territory +15%” -General Atlan as his one trick Germany build Bulgaria: -Removed air focuses Siam: -The focus :Artillery experiments can give you pack artillery Netherlands : -Naval focuses reworked for fitting buffs (Battlecruiser plan now asks the UK for the research instead of Germany) -Political focus now only one to stop people from going another ideology -New focus in political focuses “Request Allied Favors” will make it possible to get off map factories guns and equipment -Industry path is now only one with continue the war in Bavaria ( has been buffed) same , most industry focuses have been buffed as well -War on pacifism now only has one way to reach it France: -Removed air focuses Mongolia


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