HOI4+: Conditional Surrender





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With this mod, you'll be able to end wars quickly and avoid entering stalemates that make the game boring. [h1]Peace Options[/h1] [h2]Conditional surrender[/h2] [h3]Prerequisites[/h3] [list] [*]Surrenderer [list] [*]10% or more surrender progress [*]Not in civil war with country to surrender to [*]Fully independent (can't be a puppet or subject) [*]Can't have capitulated [/list] [*]Target [list] [*]Fully independent (can't be a puppet or subject) [*]In a faction & a major country [*]Not in a faction [/list] [/list] [h3]Acceptance chance[/h3] [list] [*][b]sp[/b]: [u]Target surrender progress[/u] [*][b]ws[/b]: [u]Target war support[/u] [*][b]easy[/b]: [u]Easy mode[/u] (2 if active, otherwise 1) [h2]White peace[/h2] [h3]Coming soon[/h3] [h2]Propose peace[/h2] [h3]Prerequisites[/h3] [list] [*]Victor [list] [*]Not in civil war with country to propose peace to [*]Fully independent (can't be a puppet or subject) [*]Can't have capitulated [/list] [*]Target [list] [*]10% or more surrender progress [*]Fully independent (can't be a puppet or subject) [*]Can't have capitulated [/list] [/list] [h3]Acceptance chance[/h3] [list] [*][b]sp[/b]: [u]Target surrender progress[/u] [*][b]ws[/b]: [u]Target war support[/u] [*][b]easy[/b]: [u]Easy mode[/u] (2 if active, otherwise 1) [/list]  [h1]Peace Treaty: How it works?[/h1] [h2]Victory points[/h2] This mod's victory points aren't the same as regular voictory points. The way victory points are calculated is by adding the captured states [u]strategic value[/u] proportionaly to a countries' divisions in it compared to all other countries at war with the target [ [h2]"Peace Treaty" decisions[/h2] [table] [tr] [th]Decision[/th] [th]Scope[/th] [th]Cost (in scope [/th] [th]Prerequisites[/th] [th]AI won't do if[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Take state[/td] [td]State[/td] [td]100%[/td] [td]None[/td] [td]No neighbor state is owned by AI[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Puppet state[/td] [td]State[/td] [td]50%[/td] [td]State is core of owner[/td] [td]No neighbor state is owned by AI's state owner puppet[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Liberate state[/td] [td]State[/td] [td]50%[/td] [td] Or [list] [*]Any non-existant country has core in state [*]A county's puppet that isn't derived from state owner has core in it [/list] [/td] [td]No neighbor state is owned by an AI liberated & puppeted country[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Demilitarize state[/td] [td]State[/td] [td]25%[/td] [td]None[/td] [td]Any neighbor state is owned by an AI's puppet[/td] [/tr] [table]


v2 - Released 2020-11-02


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