Yugoslav wars mod





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Disclaimer: This mod is not meant to be historically accurate, its meant to be fun balanced muliplayer experiance, although it contains some historic aspects such as operation names,brigades, certain political events. Start date and dates concerning operations and Croatia joining the war have nothing to do with history and are there just for balance. Mod is not meant to be played in singleplayer and might not behave as expected. The mod is still very early in development and since im working on it solo it might stay there for a while. This mod strives for a balanced 4vs4 multiplayer match set in bosnian/yugoslav wars setting, despite the complexity of the conflict i tried to simplify it as much as possible and include only the fighting that took place in todays Croatia and Bosnia. Ive split the map into 2 factions, Bosnian and Croats against the Serbs. Bosnia has been split into 3 nations proper Bosnia, 5th Corps and Western Bosnia. Bosnia/Croatian Herzeg Bosnia/ and later Croatia belong to 1 faction, while Republic of Srpska/Serbian Krajina/Western Bosnia/ and Serbia *is meant to be purely a volunteer nation* belong to the second. Croatia is not meant to join the war until mid 1993, making it a kind of DDAY nation not unlike USA from WW2. Every nation has there own playstyle, and i will be trying to make the mod as ballanced as possible. Credits go to Eduard Saladier for providing the resource map and general assistance with the mod, Thrasymachus for letting me use horst as base for stats. As you can see the mod needs a lot of work in the creative/graphical side, tech tree needs reworking and i need new models if anyone has thoose types of skills or is good at making focus tree icons feel free to contact me. Please leave you constructive critism in the comments, im looking foward to hearing youre opinions.


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