1876 map





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WARNING: THIS IS A BETA, SO NOT EVERYTHING IS FINISHED AND IN FUTURE THERE WILL BE SOME UPDATES, if you found a bug while playing tell me down here and I'll try to solve it. if you have any suggestion tell me down here or in the discord server (link below), this is my first serious mod so it isn't perfect This is the version with less states and also with realistic population for all states, for a less laggy gameplay NOTE: THIS VERSION WILL BE RARELY UPDATED This mod does a total rework of the italian map and focus tree with +200 new states and +30 tags only in Italy and +300 focus only in the italian focus tree. New Tags and Borders This mod adds all the 20 Italian real life regions, plus some historical one (All preunitarian states, some medieval countries, an etruscan and a roman state, some italian micronations like Fiume or Seborga and fictional countries like Padania and makes possible to create all the borders of real life italian provinces. It's also possible create the italy's borders of the 1830, 1850, 1861, 1866, 1870, 1922, 1936, 1946 and 1977 Updates Monarchist Update 17/05/20 -reworked the monarchist tree -set the capitals of some italian nations -added a cosmetic tag for all the regions of the confederation -fixed some errors -rebalanced the malus and some focusses -new name for the mod Bug fixes and map rework update 20/05/20 -added major Italian lakes -fixed the spanish civil war -fixed the italo balbo bug -fixed some focusses, events and spirits Communist focus tree and map rework 30/05/20 -reworked the communist focus tree -fixed the bourbon tree bug -added new regions to Africa Democratic focus tree, another little map rework and some bug fixies 07/06/20 -reworked the democratic focus tree -fixed some bugs -added you features to the map Bug fixes 10/06/20 -fixed the italian republic tag bug -fixed the elections and the events Know bugs -it might crash during the ww2 -some ships disappear at the start of the game -black and white leader photos -the italian AI can't do the new focusses -some focus doesn't show the icon -some events can repeat themself in loop Special Thanks


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