Kaiserredux: A Empire Expansion 1.11.5





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Kaiserredux is an expansion for the popular hoi4 mod, Kaiserreich. The goal of Kaiserredux is to bring together submods that share the same common goal, expanding the content of Kaiserreich with an emphasis on fun and interesting scenarios over realism/grounded lore. We wish to avoid removing content or changing the existing lore too drastically in order to maintain the great gameplay and in depth lore that made Kaiserreich so popular in the first place. This is not an overhaul but rather an expansion. DO NOT RUN KR AND KX TOGETHER.

An "expansion" means that while we are not a sub-mod, and thus shouldn't be run together, we take certain aspects of Kaiserreich and add/change content, e.g. USA. We do not take every bit of KR and build on top of it, rather we augment it ourselves.

KX credits the Kaiserreich devs for their work in GFX, localisation, focus trees, and all other manners that are not KX-exclusive. Thank you to the KR devs for these works, foundations, and by extension for coexistence with KX.

A full list of creditors can be found when starting a new campaign, both KR, KX, and miscellaneous.

KX was founded by bringing together formerly independent submods; Triumph of Totalism, Rose of Texas, Alaskan Expansion, Bones of the Double Eagle and Disunited States, and forming a team of like minded people who could help each other in development. This has now expanded to more projects with the overall goal of including them all in one unified submod for maximum compatibles. DO NOT RUN KR AND KX TOGETHER.

If you want to report bugs, we are most active on our discord[discord.gg] server. There is also a guides channel there with guides on how to get most paths, and a GitHub version that gives players early access to in-dev content.

Submods included:

Ride the Tiger

American Totalists

Bones of the Double Eagle (only here)

Triumph of Totalism (only here)

Alaskan Expansion (only here)

Disunited Kingdom (only here)

Rose of Texas (only here)

Rise of Korea (only here)

Dankest Hour (Hungary, Norway events, and other misc additions)

Home of the Brave (integrated fully, and the mods share a team)

Russian Rework (integrated fully, and the mods share a team)

Roter Morgen (integrated fully)

The Ataman's Ride (integrated fully, and the mods share a team)

Major Content Included in KX (by no means an exhaustive or complete list):

- Alaska (Barons, Democracy, Canadian Puppet, Japanese Puppet, Syndicalist and Bolshevik Exiles, Native American Natpops and Tots)

- American Union State (Holy Kingdom [under Carroll and his sucessors or Stuarts], Pelley Rework, NPP, Huey Long Expansion)

- AOG (Folkenhausen and Board of Directors)

- Austria (Fatherland Front)

- Banat (Roth, Exiled Monarchy, Syndicalists, Hungarian Communists, Military Regime and Iron Guard)

- Black Belt Republic (ABB, Jacobins, NCL, Socialist Party, New Republicans, UNIA, Young, NOI, Peace Party, Black Israelites, Sun Ra)

- Bulgaria (Bulgarists)

- Burma (monarchy and syndicalists)

- Central Asian States (Bukhara, Kokand, Khiva, and Alash Orda)

- Commune of France (Sorelian, Jacobin, Black Guard and Popular Front)

- CSA (Al Capone, Technocracy, Social Patriots, Totalists, Syndies, Lovestone coup, Butler coup)

- China (Undead Chang Kai-Shek, Dai Li Expansion)

- Constitutional American Republic (ODP, Fordist, Yong/Old Klan, Christian Identity, Russel, Patton)

- Don Cuban States (Don, Cuban, Mountain Republic, Kalmyks)

- Fiume (Admiral Horthy and Pirates)

- Georgia (Jugashvili, Beria and Transcaucasia)

- Germany (Pataut Schleicher and Natpop Goering Coup)

- Greece (Byzantium)

- Hungary (Austrian loyalty, Independent Democracy, National Socialists, Vanguardists)

- Illyria (Austrian Loyalty, Independent Democracy, Tito and Pavelic)

- Italy (Popes, Republic, Monarchy, Austrian lapdog)

- Korea (Japanese Loyalty, Joseon Monarchy, Military Regime, Democracy, Syndicalist, Anarchist and Juche)

- Liberia (full rework)

- Mexico (Complete Rework, allowing all ideologies, including monarchy, junta, democracy, socialism, etc) along with Yucatan and Arizona trees which can revolt

- Central Africa (Complete rework; content for West Africa, Central Africa and its collapse, the Congo and its civil war tags, Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia, Madagascar, Nigeria, Kenya-Uganda, Mau-Mau)

- National France (Napoleonic Empire)

- Native Americans (Haudenosaunee and Wabanaki, and White Reservations formed after Towner Alaska conquers Canada)

- New England (Lovecraft, Monarchy, Prohibitionist, AnCap, Federalist, Quaker, and Eugenicists)

- New York City (Trump, Welles, La Guardia, Steinbeck, Tammany Hall, The Mafia, NYPD, Harlem Mobsters)

- Nicaragua (Updated American Manadate)

- Ottoman Empire (German Expedition)

- Pacific States of America (Norton II, Walt Disney, Howard Hughes, Aiso, Hearst, Commonwealth, Spiritualists Pro-Japan regime)

- Paraguay (Exiled Huey Long)

- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Josef Beck)

- Russia (Expanded politics, Drozdovsky )

- Scotland (Scottish Kingdom, German Kingdom, Homeland Watch, Democracy, Syndicalist and Clerical Nationalist)

- Serbia (Black Hand)

- Texas (Democracy, Garner/Texas First Party, Military Junta, Socialists and Texaco)

- Socialist Republic of Italy (Evola, Mafia, Fasci, Neosanfedisti and Pio's Papacy)

- Spain (Political Expansion, Carlist Empire, Mediterranean Block, Democracy and Franco Junta for the Kingdom)

- Transamur (Mladorossi Tsardom, Expanded Politics)

- Union of Britain (Lawrence of Brittania and Expanded Molsey)

- USA Expansion (Norris, Landon, Curtis, Garner, MacArthur, Balkanizable America)

- Wales (Welsh Kingdom, German Kingdom, Democracy, Socialists and Home Rule Army)

- Western Command Center (American Pompey, MacArthur Exile)

- Yucatan (full rework, including all ideologies and Maya Empire larp)

and a ton more, we are bad at keeping track.

Minor/Restored/Expanded Content:

- Antarctica (Trotsky)

- CSA (Big Bill Haywood)

- German Kingdom of France (Queen Victoria)

- Jan Mayenese Polar Bear Invasion (Trigger with console command "event bearhaslanded.0" (without quotes))

- Legation Cities (Restored and expanded Triads)

- Patagonia (Restored Fonte)

- Paraguay (Exiled Huey Long)

- Republic of Italy (Restored D'Annunzio)

- Ukraine (Restored and expanded Khrushchev)

- United States (Restored Curtis)

- Restored Malta and Crete

- Mediterranean Bloc for Carlist Spain

- King Zog I for Albania

- Genghis Khan II

- Napoleonic National France

- Beck PLC

- German Ottomans

- Thank you Hour Serbia

- Chaing Kai-shek's LKMT

- Old Italy, I guess

- Bulgarian Bulgaria

- Carlist Empire

and a ton more, again we suck at keeping track

Special thanks to the Dankest Hour team, for Hungary! :)

NOTE: If you are getting crashes on load-in: right click the game in your steam library, go to properties, then in the general tab at the bottom is a box called launch options. type '-opengl' in it (no quotation marks) and then launch the game

Again, since people still do it, DONT RUN KX AND KR TOGETHER

v2 - Released 2022-04-03
Update: 2 APR


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