Researchable Culture Tomes





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Have you ever wanted to enchant your Feudal Knights to have the Barbarian Primal Strike but also the Mystic Attunement: Star Blades? Now you can!


Researchable Culture Tomes : This mod adds the 6 hidden Culture tomes to the tome library selection.

Steam Workshop link:

(curtesy of 'YouLoveDomo' aka 'I alone am The Honored One')


Each of the tomes unlocks the 3 researchable spells for that culture, the hero skills that the culture has unlocked at the start, and the special province improvements for that culture.


The tomes do not unlock culture units, culture specific city structures or the special resource related culture skills like Feudal Lords, Scout Prospecting and Astral Echos.


If you find any bugs, or would like to discuss/request alternate implimentations, pleasepost them in this very thread.



The Tomes:

-- Barbarian

---- +1 Nature Affinity & +1 Order Affinity

----Hero Skill: Primal Mark

----Hero Skill: Keen Edge

----Hero Skill: Bloodlust

----SPI: Forest of Stakes

----Spell Research: SONG OF THE RECKLESS

----Spell Research: VISION OF VICTORY

----Spell Research: PRIMAL MARK


-- Dark

---- +2 Shadow Affinity

----Hero Skill: Cull the Weak

----Hero Skill: Grim Executioner

----Hero Skill: Sundering Curse

----SPI: Dark Forge

----Spell Research: BANEFUL CURSE

----Spell Research: ICE SHACKLES

----Spell Research: BRAND OF WRATH


-- High

---- +2 Order Affinity

----Hero Skill: Coordinated Strike

----Hero Skill: Exposing Light

----Hero Skill: Twin Awaken

----SPI: Sunshrine


----Spell Research: WARDING BLESSING



-- Feudal

---- +1 Nature Affinity & +1 Order Affinity

----Hero Skill: Feudal Ruler

----Hero Skill: Undying Loyalty

----Hero Skill: Stand Together

----SPI: Levy Camp

----Spell Research: SIGNET OF KNIGHTHOOD

----Spell Research: HOLD THE LINE

----Spell Research: CALL TO GLORY


-- Industrious

---- +2 Material Affinity

----Hero Skill: Defensive Master

----Hero Skill: Defense Training

----Hero Skill: Bolstering Support

----SPI: Builder's Quarters

----Spell Research: STEELFURY CHANT

----Spell Research: RUNE OF INDUSTRY

----Spell Research: BOLSTERING CHANT


-- Mystic

---- +2 Astral Affinity

----Hero Skill: Combat Casting

----Hero Skill: Resistance Training

----Hero Skill: Attunement: Star Blades

----SPI: Mystic Abbey

----Spell Research: MAGIC SHIELD

----Spell Research: COSMIC ABLATION

----Spell Research: SCROLL OF ATTUNEMENT




Known issues:

-- You start a new game with double the affinity from your culture.

---- The tomes grant some affinity, and the tome of the culture you start with also grants the affinity from your culture; but the game handles the distinctly from the affinity given by your culture choice directly. I figured people who enjoy this mod would prefer a more empowering play experience over the technical accuracy of the tomes granting no affinity at all.

If you feel differently, or have other suggestions please let me know in the forum thead.


- Steam Workshop Version?

As soon as I figure out how to upload there.

(curtesy of 'YouLoveDomo' aka 'I alone am The Honored One')


v5 - Released 2023-08-20

Fixed bugs: - lacking default recruitable hero affinity - staring screen lacking affinity

v4 - Released 2023-08-14

Updated zip again...

v3 - Released 2023-08-13

Fixed .zip file

v2 - Released 2023-08-12

Update: added meta-data


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