3 Subscribers
Allows you to research the tomes of primal cultures, including abilities such as seeing and exploiting Spirit Den Nodes, the Spirit Temples from those dens, the "Shire to the Spirits" building, the bonus City income from favored terrain and all 7 different styles of Primal Communion.
It also allows you to stack all those Primal Communions onto your Primal units (which was not possible even if you have started as a Primal Culture faction, and somehow acquired primal units of a different subfaction).
0.3 - Released 2024-07-25
Megalith province improvements added.
0.2 - Released 2024-07-14
Fixed Temple of the spirits
0.1 - Released 2024-07-12
Bugfix: R&D for crow dens now reveals crow dens, not snake dens
Age Of Wonders 4
Full game